My Bulgakov composition

My acquaintance with Bulgakov’s work began with his stories, united by the title “Notes of a young doctor.” Before an inexperienced young doctor in all its frightening perspective, it becomes necessary to perform a real miracle – to treat people. At the same time, not only practical knowledge, but also sometimes the most necessary – drugs, dressings, tools – is lacking. But the young doctor copes with all the difficulties, gradually growing up, turning into an experienced specialist and a deeply decent and conscientious person.

About the deep philosophical sense of the story “The Dog’s Heart” can be spoken endlessly. A professor of the old school who does not like the proletariat and talks about ruin is the image of a typical Russian intellectual. Professor Preobrazhensky can be respected not only as a brilliant scientist, but also as a person who accurately described the situation in the country.

Each time one has to marvel at the skill of Bulgakov, who expressed his thoughts and observations in an accurate and concise manner: “What is this your” ruin “? An old woman with a stick? The witch who knocked out all the glass, extinguished all the lamps? Yes, it does not exist! What do you mean by this word? “;” This is what: if I, instead of operating, every evening start in my apartment singing in chorus, I will collapse “;”. ruin is not in the closets, but in the minds. “

Suffice it to recall the beginning of the story “Dog Heart”, which describes the real situation of the 20’s. The reader gets an opportunity to look at what happened as a result of the revolution with Russia. The story “Dog Heart” tells about an amazing experiment – the creation of a new man. It turns out extremely unpleasant creature – Polygraph Polygraphy Sharikov. This is a real proletarian, possessing all the qualities inherent in a given social type. Sharikov is dumb and primitive, there is nothing sacred in his soul. He is aggressive, feels himself the absolute master of life.

Bulgakov is ruthless towards a new master of life. This is evidenced by his feuilletons, which he wrote with the writer’s humor and accuracy of observation. Swaggered stupidity of those who belonged to power, ignorance and helplessness of the population, various domestic absurdities, idleness and lack of culture – the writer told all about this in his satirical articles. Bulgakov’s language is ironically precise, and sometimes it becomes really mocking. He does not allow a drop of lies, he is extremely accurate.

In the novel “Fatal Eggs” the writer paints a truly terrible picture. And what was the reason that allowed it? Only tremendous ignorance, militant and self-confident dullness and darkness. This is what appears on the pages of the novel, Alexander Semenovich Rock. He confronts the professor.

Vladimir Ipatevich Persikov. In fact, the professor.

Persikov has a lot in common with Professor Preobrazhensky: they are both talented, intelligent, in many ways ahead of their time. Professor Persikov makes a brilliant discovery, to which people were unprepared.

The novel “The Master and Margarita” makes you think about the human soul, about the meaning of life, about the eternal and enduring values ​​that everyone needs.

Here Mikhail Bulgakov manifests himself from many different sides: he is a philosopher, and a mystic, and at the same time a realist. Mysticism of the writer does not shock and does not frighten the reader, on the contrary – makes him think about eternal values. The human life, in which there is no place for the spiritual principle, turns out to be shaky, completely unprotected.

The novel clearly traces the idea that a person is responsible for all his actions. Pontius Pilate seems to himself a man of power and power. And so he is sure that he has the right to dispose of other people’s destinies. Pontius Pilate decides the fate of Yeshua and for this bears the imminent punishment.

Thus, Mikhail Bulgakov for me is the author of short stories, sharp satirical novels, satires and a magnificent novel “Master and Margarita”, to which I will certainly return repeatedly during my life.

My Bulgakov composition