In what we are all equal, although different. Diversity of life in civil society

Each person has the ability and inclinations, his faith and spiritual values, occupies a certain position in society, works better or worse, acquires – due to natural abilities or his own choice – those or other features that distinguish him from other people. So, each person is unique and unique. Therefore, although we are all equal, we are all different. For society is characterized by social diversity. Is it possible to consider someone as a bad person, based only on what he thinks or does not act like we do?

We are all different, but none is more or less human than anybody else. We are all equal and can equally enjoy our rights – human rights. It is this equality of all human rights “without any difference” proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Civil society seeks to create for all the conditions necessary for life and happiness. But the life path of each person in such a society primarily depends on him. Only thoughts, work, build!

What does the diversity of life in civil society demand from us? In a modern democratic society, all people are equal in rights regardless of age, sex, skin color, appearance, physical and spiritual abilities. This is the basis of an understanding of justice. All citizens of a democratic society must build relationships, knowing and understanding their rights and at the same time respecting the dignity and rights of others. Everyone should regard the rights of others around him as valuable as his own, and remember the golden rule of morality: do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you!

Varied – not like the other, unlike the other.

Social diversity is a society that consists of unequal, dissimilar people.

Social – related to life and relations of people in society, social, existing in society.



