Category: History

  • What do the chronicles tell about?

    The most authoritative and well-known sources on the history of Kievan Rus, which help historians to restore the course of events of the past, are Chronicles. You already know that the so-called works in which the events were recorded successively for years, “from summer to summer.” Chroniclers covered, for the most part, the deeds of…

  • Hungary in the Middle Ages

    The lands between the rivers Tisza and the Danube were inhabited long ago by Slavic tribes and, perhaps, by the ancestors of modern Romanians and Moldavians. At the end of IX c. there were migrated through the Carpathians Ugrians, who were pressed from the southern Russian steppes of the Pechenegs. They defeated the Great Moravian…

  • Muscovy. Yuri Danilovich. Ivan Kalita

    At the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. the great princedoms of the North-East of Russia have broken up into allotments-smaller independent principalities. In the XIV century. strengthened the Moscow and Tver principality. They began among themselves a fierce struggle for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. The Moscow principality won, which extended its power to several…

  • Viking cruelty. Alfred the Great

    Germans cruelly treated the Celts, but they themselves suffered from the cruelty of the Vikings, especially the Danes. From the end of the VIII to the middle of the X century. the north-eastern part of England was devastated by the Danes, who left no stone on it. Medieval author sadly reported that the Danes killed…

  • England and the Vikings

    In the 60-ies of IX century. Vikings, mostly Danes, began to conquer Britain. They captured a significant territory in the north-east of the country and forced the Anglo-Saxons south. The subsequent advancement of the Normans in this direction was suspended under King Alfred the Great. The king defeated the Danes and concluded a peace treaty…

  • Children’s Crusade 1212

    In 1212, from France and Germany, thousands of your peers, boys and disguised as boys’ clothes, went to the Crusade. They were persuaded by several young preachers who convinced the children that they had not yet angered God, so they would easily release the Holy Sepulcher. The children also sought revenge on the Muslims for…

  • The first decades of Bolshevik power. the USSR

    1. What determined the fate of Ukraine in the first decades after the creation of the USSR? In December 1919, Soviet Bolshevik power was established on most of the Ukrainian lands. Thus began the time of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. At the end of 1922 the USSR became a member of the Union of…

  • The Czech Kingdom. Preconditions

    At the turn of the IX-X centuries. in the Czech princedom the princely clan of the Přemíslović stands prominently. It Precisely, at the head of the tribal union of the Czechs, laid the foundations of an independent Czech state with a center in Prague. Their power was especially strong during the years of the reign…

  • Hinduism is the religion of India

    In medieval India, Buddhism gave way to a much simpler and more accessible religion – Hinduism. Why did this happen? First of all, because Buddhism denied caste inequality and thus came into conflict with the whole of Indian reality. Hinduism is at the same time a religion and a great many religions. There are hundreds…

  • Life of the Normans

    In the North of Europe lived “northern people” – the Normans. These are the ancestors of the present Norwegians, Danes, Swedes and Icelanders. In Western Europe they were called Vikings, in Russia – by the Varangians. Northern Europe is far from a paradise. The climate there is cold, the conditions of life are severe. Forests…