“Fiction” composition

In our life, literature plays an outstanding role. From childhood to advanced years, people live ostensibly in the interaction of two worlds – the eternal reality and fiction. In literary images and events, we try to identify everyday, habitual, but we often build real relationships on examples of ideal heroes and majestic feelings from the read works. Of these, we learn life, we learn original spiritual values, we find answers to our numerous questions.

Far from each of us had the opportunity to live violent literary predilections, but almost all of us seemed to touch them, get an idea about them and felt something similar in the soul when we read about the excitement and suffering of the heroes of books. It is in the world of these heroes, created by the artists of the word, that life appears before us not only as it really is, but also as it can and should be. For thousands of years, mankind has been developing and improving the moral standards and ideals of the beautiful. All this, as if in a mirror, is reflected in works of fiction. Each epoch imposed its imprint on the system of moral values ​​of society, and literature, absorbing them, brings to the reader.

Painting and architecture, music and sculpture, choreography and cinematography. All these are different forms of person’s self-expression, all this is art. And in my opinion, only fiction as the most popular of its kind is able to influence the development and development of man and the whole of mankind as a whole to the greatest extent. No, I do not at all deny the importance of historical science, but thanks to the talent of the writer, the past of my land was revealed to me distinctly and painfully. The events of the work touched my soul, taught me much, and, most importantly, they filled me with pride for being involved in the people, the proud name of which is Ukrainian.

This is the main task of literature: to show life, reality in the form of an artistic print, but a print of one that is itself life. Fiction is a textbook of life that gives us historical knowledge, shapes the world view, influences moral and aesthetic self-improvement. In the national meaning of the work of fiction is the inexhaustible source that nourishes the civic and social consciousness that excites social activity and promotes the all-round education of the readers.

Opening a new art book, we still do not know its content, or the main characters. And having read this work, it seems as if we are going up one more step of knowledge, wisdom, experience and perfection of our own soul. I am sure that humanity could not progressively develop, if there were no fiction. The best works, reflecting the reality of the people in its connection with the past, thereby outline the general movement from the modern to the future. Life, which is published in the work as a mini-cosmos, reflects and reveals in itself the universe, the fullness of human life and the whole integrity of being.



