The system of secondary education in Ukraine includes elementary school, middle and senior classes. Children usually go to school at the age of six or seven. There are also pre-school institutions, such as nursery and kindergarten, but they are not generally binding. The initial classes are from the first to the fourth. The middle classes are from the fifth to the ninth. After the ninth grade, students can enter various technical schools. Those who want to enroll in higher education institutions must graduate from the tenth and eleventh grades.
Students can also enroll in higher education institutions after specialized colleges or lyceums. They prepare students in various fields of both humanities and natural sciences. Some of them are organized at higher educational institutions. The system of higher education is represented by universities, polytechnic institutes, specialized institutes.
In universities, the course is five years old, there are usually six to twelve faculties. The institutes train specialists for industry, agriculture and economy. Most of them have recently been awarded the status of an academy or university. Students can also enroll in graduate school, engage in research and development. Today, due to the state of our national economy, few young people are engaged in scientific work. But nevertheless scientific discoveries are made in some areas of science and there are scientific works. At some universities and institutes there are advanced training courses.
Recently, a large number of private educational institutions have appeared. Some institutes have paid groups or faculties. There, students can be educated at the same high level as in state institutions.