The most kind and sweet, full of sunshine and boundless, like the sea, of love, is for most people the word “mother.” It combines gentle caring, tenderness, accompanying each person all his life. To all who were fortunate enough to know the happiness of motherly love, the word “mother” seems closest and dearest. This word has always been with us since the very first years of life, it warms us in difficult moments, supports us in despair and does not let us forget about the good beginning that exists in each of us. “Mom” is an expensive, priceless word, symbolizing boundless love and protection.
Wonderful and warm word “house”, it is precious for anyone who has experienced the difficulties of distant roads, exile or the harsh need to live away from home. The word “house” combines such concepts as coziness, related support, a place where everyone is always welcome, where he is free to feel free, in complete safety, love and understanding of close people. “House” is a sacred concept, and it is very important, at least from time to time to return to this source of new strength and inspiration.
The proud and majestic word “Motherland” is dear to everyone who sincerely loves his land, his country, the city and even the yard, where joyous childhood passed. What dear price was given to the freedom and independence of the Motherland to our ancestors, how bravely they went to die for this eternal concept. In the word “Homeland” – loyalty and courage, the worship of heroes and the unshakable firmness of traditions. Happy is he who can always touch this wonderful word, who feels his invisible warmth and patronage.
But full happiness and prosperity of the Motherland is impossible, if there is no precious and very important word “peace” in it. After all, “peace” is a fragile and vulnerable word, it needs our protection, and without it there is no joy of life on this earth. So by the word “peace” it is necessary to be treated with trembling cautiousness, it is dear to everyone who knows what war is, the death of thousands of human lives and the constant fear of death. And only the world is capable of giving the planet a true goal, a development perspective and stability.