“Culture of speech” composition

“The high culture of speech consists in the ability to find not only an accurate means for expressing one’s thoughts, but also the most intelligible (that is, the most expressive) and the most appropriate (that is, the most appropriate for the given case).”

Explanatory Dictionary of Russian S. Ozhegov

I am sure that without love and respect for one’s native language, there can be no talk about the spiritual culture of man and the culture of his speech. This culture is a testament to the overall development of the individual and speaks of the degree to which a person accustoms to the spiritual values ​​of his native people, his cultural assets. One can say with certainty that literacy, that is, observance of generally accepted norms in the use of literary, lexical, phonetic, morphological, syntactic and stylistic means of language, is the basis of the culture of speech of representatives of any people.

In addition, I am convinced that cultural speech should not only be correct, but also syntactically diverse, as well as lexically rich. To achieve the ability to use all the possibilities of one’s native language, one must listen attentively to the speech of other people, not to be lazy and use dictionaries, to thinkfully read scientific, artistic and other literature, paying attention to the use of individual words, noticing and memorizing especially successful expressions, taking into account the correct construction of proposals. We need to actively develop our speech, learn as best as possible in writing and verbally expound your own thoughts, correct yourself if necessary, correctly formulate your statements and reconstruct what has been said, learn to find the right phrases and the best options for using them.

It’s sad to admit, but the only constant component of our contemporaries’ communication today is the so-called slang. Inconspicuous and firmly slang expressions entered the language of everyday communication of millions of people, leaked to the media reports of the speeches of famous public people, infiltrated families and companies, parties and work collectives. This can not but worry, this situation should concern not only our state, but also its citizens.

I think that today only we are able to preserve all the spiritual values ​​that we inherited from many previous generations. Only we are able to transfer these values ​​to our descendants and not allow to interrupt the nation code, which is the main definition of national identity and identity. And no matter what disturbing processes occur in our society and in our culture, I am sure that they are reversible.

As noted by leading linguists, one of the main indicators of the nobility of a person is the culture of his speech. And the concept is not only linguistic, but also psychological, pedagogical, ethical and aesthetic. In this respect, the tone of the conversation, as well as the ability to listen attentively to one’s interlocutor, the ability to support the topic in time and show respect to the narrator is of great importance. In any case, a polite greeting, a shake of the hand with nobility and dignity, the ease and obsession of the conversation is a win-win.

About the culture of speech and the magic of the word a lot is said, much is said now and will be much mentioned in the future. Many concepts, expressions and linguistic traditions are as ancient as the people owning this language. This and related references, and verbal greetings, and many other traditional phrases that are firmly embedded in our lives. However, our ancestors were more cautious and the expressions we used were used with great accuracy, in full accordance with the situation and the situation. For example, in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening, only those who answered a particular time of day were used. The same applied to the number of people, their age, sex, and even social status. So, when one person greeted with several, he necessarily used the plural form: “Good health to you!” or “Hello!”. There is in our language and a short, but surprisingly warm word “thank you”. Think about how often we give it to others? To my great regret, no.

If we can bring back to life the best forms of greetings, addresses to other people and expressions necessary for our everyday communication, we can revive the cultural and spiritual traditions of our people, learn how to talk beautifully and politely. And this is not an empty phrase, not some whim. This is our daily communication, our etiquette, our culture and our relationships. Therefore, you need to learn and you need to teach others, because without respect, without love for your native language, there can not be a culture of speech or culture of the spiritual.



