Composition on the topic of gerundive

The vertebrate is a special non-personal form of the verb, denoting an additional action accompanying the action of the verb-predicate. The gentile participle combines the signs of the verb and adverb.

Deep-participles are formed from verbs, while retaining some of their grammatical characteristics:

The gerunds inherit from the producing verb a value of the form: read (nonsense) – reading (nonsense), read (owl view) – read (owl view). Thus, gerunds are of a perfect and imperfect type. The verbal participles of the perfect form are formed from the base of the infinitive by means of the suffixes – a, – shi (-sh), and the gerunds of the imperfect form are formed from the present-day basis with the help of the suffix – a (-n);

The gerunds repeat the control model of the original verb: read a book (wine), read a book (wine), admire the sunset (TV), admiring the sunset (TV point);

The verbal participles preserve the collateral values ​​of the original verbs: to offend people (the real pledge) – offending people (a real pledge), but to take offense at people (returnable pledge) – resenting people (returnable pledge). Like the verb, the gerundive has only one morphological indicator of the pledge – postfix.

To the adverbial properties of the verbal participles are:

Unchangeability (no forms of inflection);

The ability to be used in the function of circumstance (the mode of action, time, condition, cause), adhering to the verb-predicate.

Adhering to the verb, which in the sentence denotes the main action, the gerundive expresses a secondary (concomitant) action. Therefore sometimes girw is called a secondary predicate.

Actions expressed by gerund and verb are related to the same subject. It is no accident that gerunds are not used in impersonal sentences. After all, their predicates do not have a subject that could be common to the verbal participle and the verb-predicate.

Composition on the topic of gerundive