Criticism notes that in the writings of a number of our writers a new hero has emerged, thinking about the meaning of life and morality, looking for this meaning, which understands its responsibility in life. Thinking about the problems and vices of society, thinking about how to fix them, such a hero begins with himself.
Today, it seems to me, the problem of morality is becoming a leading issue. Among the writers who placed the moral problems of the individual at the center of their creative work, one can name Ch. Aitmatov, B. Vasiliev, D. Abramov, V. Astafyev, Yu. Bondarev, V. Rasputin, V. Belov and others.
I read Valentine Rasputin before: Farewell to Matera, Live and Remember, Lessons of French. The writer has always liked me with a thoughtful, honest and strict attitude to life. One of his main techniques, it seems to me, is the ability to show the fate of people on the steep turn of their lives, in tragic situations. In Live and remember this situation, when a desert soldier hides in his native village (in an abandoned bathhouse), in Farewell to Matera describes the period when residents are preparing to move from their native village, which it decided to flood.
In a small story Fire we again meet with a special situation. V. Rasputin develops here one of his favorite topics: about the roots of man, about his connection with the place where he was born and raised, about the fact that the lack of moral roots leads to moral degeneration. The surrounding villages were flooded, and the inhabitants of six villages were brought to the village of Sosnovka. Aboriginal inhabitants of this region called themselves old-timers. And later came in large numbers with money coming from abroad, as a rule, little associated with moral standards. Old-timers call them Arkhars. The visiting writer is mockingly called light people, not burdened by the economy, they gradually formed a force, nothing fearful and not ashamed.
Before, when people lived for a long time in one place, they were connected by personal and family ties. Therefore, the shame before the villagers was great, and the traditions of respect for the elders, work and order were stronger. People revered conscience, shame, honor and honesty. The loss of internal communication between people, the absence of shame, shame before fellow villagers, disregard of the eternal traditions of respect for elders, modesty, diligence all this leads to the fact that people turn into either predators or soulless egoists.
The fire in the story divided people into two groups. The first are those who, forgetting about the danger, rush to save the dying good. But others are looting, torturing? to heat up his hands and greed turns into cruelty and crime: the Arkhar people kill the guardian of Uncle Misha Khampo, who did not allow them to steal.
One tragedy attracts another: in the fight, a thief, nicknamed Sonya, is killed.
It is interesting to note that the thoughts about the roots of man and his morals in one form or another are present in many writers. In Astafyev’s novel, the Sad detective is an episode provoking resentment in every normal person. The investigator receives news that his mother has died. He was considered a favorite son. Everyone, not even blood relatives, came together. But he had just returned from vacation, where he strengthened his health, afraid to spoil the effect of the baths, no matter how they podsha-nili nerves, and not wanting to know the dark relatives, he sends to the funeral fifty rubles. I was genuinely happy when I read that my relatives returned the money and attributed it: We are serving, a scoundrel and a sham, with my money.
Just like the hero of V. Rasputin, Ivan Petrovich, reflects on the causes of cruelty, immorality, selfishness and rejection of the good, kind Leonid So-shkin from the novel Astafyev Sad detective. He struggles all his life with evil, which is embodied in concrete heroes (the hero is working as an operative in charge of criminal investigation). Specific people can be caught and defused. But, it seems, Soshki feels like Hercules, who fought Hydra: in the place of each severed head, two new ones grew up. Before Shotshkin’s mind’s eye, those terrible cases that he witnessed in his duty of duty pass. Here are intelligent parents locked the baby in the apartment. When a neighbor looked into the room, the children were eaten up by worms. And then he will remember the murderer, who killed three people in passing and calmly ate ice cream at the cinema. And the people still felt sorry for him, and scolded the police,
Perhaps, the writer has thickened the colors, having squeezed too many such cases into the memory of the policeman. But he wanted the reader and his hero to strive to understand the truth about the nature of human evil. And in fact, we are puzzling together with Soshnikov over the morbid psychology of a certain category of people who are ready to regret the murderer, the rapist, to give him the last piece and completely indifferent to the disabled neighbor and good people. Such forgiveness and patience protects killers, gives free rein to hooligans. For Soshnikov this is unbearably painful.
In the fight against crime, the hero of the novel becomes an invalid. Deprived of the opportunity to fight evil
as a guardian of order, he continues to reflect on the nature of evil and the causes that generate crime. Even the answer to Dostoevsky is addressed, finally, he himself becomes a writer. He finds it difficult: even his wife does not understand his search. But it is clear to us that in selfless devotion to the duty of such people as Leonid Soshnikov pledge of the victory of good over evil.
The writers of the answer are searching for the most burning questions of our life: what is good and what is true? Why so much evil and cruelty? What is the highest duty of man? Traveling along the roads of their moral world, we become better and wiser.
Composition on the topic “Moral problems”