In the art school our class was given the task: to draw an autumn landscape. As an example, the teacher presented us with illustrations of several paintings. Most of all I was impressed by the picture of Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich “Golden Autumn”.
The picture is made in soft yellow, blue and green tones, this indicates that the artist was in a good, quiet mood, when he created this work of art. Yellowed leaves, preparing to fall to the ground, resemble gold. In the thick of golden trees, young green pines are pierced, and the three old pine trees, gathered together in a pile, rise above them. On the ocher-yellow grass, green islets are visible. They “say goodbye” to the green summer dusk and, turning yellow, “turn” into the golden autumn. In the blue sky, over which the air clouds are floating, clouds, grayness and other signs of bad weather are not visible. The river is the mirror of the whole landscape.
Its surface reflects the trees that grow along it and the blue sky. It stretches, dividing the picture into two parts. The bank of the river is strewn with clean, as if sifted, sand. In summer, the village children play there and bathe. The path trampled by the locals leads into a dense forest. There they collect mushrooms and forest berries. In the lower right corner is a shadow from a large tree. The landscape itself is drawn from a height. In order to depict all this, the artist probably climbed the hill, before that he chose the place where he would paint for a long time.
Inspired by the picture, I started creativity, only I began to draw not the landscape from the picture, but in my village. Nature in the picture was very similar to ours, Breitovskaya. At the end of the lesson, I showed the teacher a job. “Well done, five,” she approved.
Composition on the picture of Polenov “Golden Autumn”