Composition of a small homeland

There are many beautiful places in the world. One of them is close to a busy city. This beautiful corner of the earth is called Sergeevka. Sergeevka is a small village where I was born, where I first learned the beauty of my native land, where I often come for a vacation and for which I really miss.

The village stands on a hill. To the north from it stretch majestic pine forests. All the pines are giants, their crowns reach the celestial vault, the trunks are straight and slender. The heart overflows with happiness and peace, when you walk around the forest, breathes in fresh pine aroma and listen to the inexhaustible cheerful singing of birds.

To the south of the village are unusually colorful meadows, where lush green grasses intertwine with the sea of ​​wildflowers. And above the meadow is a light blue sky, looking at which, you fly, directly to the sun and the stars.

In winter, the village is quiet and calm, only the children’s mischievous laughter is heard from everywhere, which are given to a variety of winter fun. And there is no crazy traffic in Sergeevka, no cars exhaust, no smog of factories, no worried people.

Living in the countryside is a pleasure! The people in Sergeevka are glorious: kind, friendly, sympathetic, ready to always help in a difficult moment. The people are smiling, with humor and optimism meet all the hardships of life. The population is very hardworking, adults and children are always at work, there are no lazy people and idlers in the village. And how unforgettably and with a grand celebration celebrate in Sergeyevka holidays, especially Christmas and Easter.

I thought a lot about what it means for me a small homeland. Sergeevka for me is the second mother who gave birth to me and brought me up, gave me a happy, carefree childhood. And though now I live in an industrial city, I proudly keep in my heart the sweet image of my mother-village.



