“Happiness is not to do what you want, but to always want what you do.”
In a life of each person there comes a responsible moment – a choice of a trade. But, as a rule, people have to choose in their youth, often thoughtlessly, and this leads to further disappointment. I believe that the choice of a profession needs to be approached consciously, because it will invest a lot of energy and time, this is the foundation of adulthood. It is very important that the ability and character traits correspond to the chosen path. Everyone has their own interests, their favorite pursuits, someone has a talent, and someone is able to quickly and easily learn everything. But in our time the “golden” dream of boys and girls is a prestigious profession, popular and popular, bringing in a good income. The prestige of the profession consists of many components, among which the main place is occupied by honor, respect and trust,
Among the many professions demanded by society, there is one that is called upon to help people, to preserve their health. This is a profession of a medical worker. Nurses, midwives and paramedics are standing guard over people’s health.
In childhood, like all little girls, I loved to play. I liked to play different roles: I’m a hairdresser, a salesman, I’m a teacher, a doctor, a nurse. In each profession there was something interesting, but most of all I wanted to help people. In my school years, I had a passion for natural sciences, such as chemistry and mathematics. A little later I began to get involved in everything that is connected with the ongoing processes in the human body. Therefore already in the ninth grade I knew firmly: I will continue the family tradition and become a doctor. And now I’m close to my goal, as I’m studying in the second year of medical college in the specialty of “Medicine”, my future profession is a paramedic. Now I can say with all responsibility that this is exactly what I need.
As my grandmother always said, she dedicated her whole life to medicine, under the tender voice of a nurse, sometimes the most painful injection is not noticeable, and the bitter mixture does not seem so bad. The medical worker can comfort, alleviate the pain, give hope of recovery. Therefore, I try to correspond… that is, I have such qualities as diligence and love for patients, cleanliness of the external and internal, modesty.
My future profession – paramedic – has always been in demand. At any time of the year and the time of day, regardless of whether a weekday or a day off, and day and night, the paramedic provides medical care to anyone who needs it. The baby’s fever rose, whether a heart attack occurred in the elderly person, and, maybe, someone was poisoned or injured in a fight, a car accident, everyone should be helped by a paramedic.
From his professional knowledge, experience, ability to quickly and correctly apply decisions depends on people’s lives. The paramedic are special people. They should have self-control, poise, non-standard situation.
I am sure that I have chosen my profession correctly, and I want to devote myself to work in the ambulance, I want to struggle with the suffering of people, death, fight for life and health.
In the work of a paramedic a new day is not like the other. Here there is joy, pain in the eyes of the patients, fear and hope, tears of powerlessness to fight the disease and tears of happiness. If you helped at least one patient, saved a life or just relieved suffering, then the day does not live in vain.
My profession – profession – life. To the profession of a paramedic I became attached to my heart and soul. And I hope that it will become not only my business, but also my destiny.
Composition is my future profession nurse