Composition “Bread”

Bread is a genius invention of mankind. He has no competitors: no other food can withstand competition with bread. Bread never gets boring – such is the amazing property of this staple food. Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least fifteen thousand years ago. In Switzerland, in the city of Zurich, one of the museums houses a loaf of bread baked six thousand years ago. In Russia, from ancient times, housewives were engaged in the preparation of bread in each yard. Russia began with grain thrown into the ground. Our family tree is from the earth! And we always need to remember this.

Bread has always been the most important product, the yardstick of all values. And in our century, the century of scientific and technological progress, bread constitutes the basis of life. People conquer rivers, seas, oceans, space, extract oil and gas in the depths of the earth, master the energy of the atom, and bread remains bread. Bread is life. It is no accident that in the Old Russian language bread was called a resident. And life and life – the words of one root.

Particular respect for bread was expressed in the fact that the sowers went out on the field in clean shirts. And the first loaf – ruddy, with a crispy crust – baked from the first flour and ate all together. Brought a loaf of women dressed in festive clothes. Lush, fragrant, he lay on an embroidered towel-towel. How much does the bread cost? There is no price for it, because bread is life. It is a symbol of our native land, a symbol of labor, kindness, friendship. The scrap of mother’s bread was taken with them on the road, taken as a blessing. Bread and salt are still being met and escorted by a dear, beloved person, whom they want to show respect. Bread and salt are also welcomed by the newlyweds and they want their future life together to be rich and happy.

Today, as yesterday, and as tomorrow, the day in our house begins with the usual: with a family breakfast, with bread on the table. Nobody will reach for the fallen crumb. Rather, they will be surprised if there is not enough bread in the house. Then someone immediately escapes to the bakery. And perhaps someone from the elders will remember that it was not always so. Today, buying bread, we choose warmer, softer. But remember, we do not have the right to forget that there was one, another – heavy and hard bread, bread, scorched by war. We do not know what grain cards are, sleepless queues for bread; Fortunately, we do not know the feeling of hunger. We can often see the bread under our feet. The bread thrown out on the street. Bread – in a garbage can, in a dump. People who do not survive the war, hunger, it is difficult to explain that there is nothing tastier than a piece of black bread.

Bread under the table, bread under the table! Thrown directly into the dust. Who is this conscience for scrapping Threw, like scrap?

So wrote E. Nefedov. Everyone who survived the Great Patriotic War, the dungeons of fascist concentration camps, who survived the blockade of Leningrad, consider it so. A special price for bread.

He was different, the bread of war. But always and everywhere was desired, like no other food. You can not compare a loaf of white bread and 125 grams of blockade. 125 grams of cake, soy flour, bran, cellulose, and dust. It’s hard to even imagine that then, in the forty-first and forty-second, the Leningraders received nothing except these 125 grams.

An old parable says: there are three main values ​​in the world. Bread is vital, giving vitality and health. Wisdom, enclosed in books and providing a connection of times. And a woman who does not allow breaking the thread of life. Most importantly: among these values, bread takes an honorable first place. Maybe many of us do not know the price of bread yet. We sat down at the dinner table, before us slices of sweet-smelling bread. This is good. Do not throw bread, do not trample it, do not neglect it. A loaf of bread is a symbol

Every person’s life, bread is the power of the state. The fact that we have bread today is not our personal merit, but the result of the efforts of many people whose work we should appreciate. Each grows up in his own way. Someone needs this for years, somebody has enough time. But there are truths that, when discovered, one can make nicks for memory. One of them is in understanding all that is behind the word “bread”.



