From his birth, leading to a vast and vast world, a man tries to understand and know it. Every day he makes small discoveries for himself, learns a lot of new interesting things. Very often his friends and advisers-books help him in this. Books are a source of knowledge, containing huge values that enrich a person and help him develop. Maxim Gorky said this very accurately: “The book is perhaps the most complex and great miracle of all the miracles created by mankind on its way to the happiness and power of the future.”
In the wonderful world of books we come in early childhood. Not knowing the letters and not knowing how to read, we listen with pleasure to the tales that our mother reads to us, we look at pictures with interest. Children’s books become our friends and teachers. They develop imagination, fantasy, talk about true friendship, teach to distinguish between good and evil. I really like Mark Twain’s book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. Thanks to an interesting story and brilliant humor, it’s loved not only by children, but also by adults, because in this funny tale the little boy reflected the writer’s deep thoughts about his time.
The more a person reads, the deeper his knowledge and skills become, the richer he is, the spiritual life. A good book very often can decide the fate of a person, determine his ideals, become his guiding star for life. Our great classics: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Gorky – left us such a huge legacy. Their works reveal before our amazing past of our people, our country. They teach us to respect and love our Motherland.
It’s never too late to make friends with a book. He who is friendly with her, a truly happy man, because he has so many discoveries ahead. And help them make a true friend – a book!