(June 20, 1934 – September 17, 1984)
Vizbor Yuri Iosifovich (June 20, 1934, Moscow – September 17, 1984) – singer and songwriter, actor, journalist, writer, screenwriter.
In 1955 he graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. In the same year he wrote a text for his first song – Madagascar (music was borrowed from S. Obraztsov’s play “Under the rustle of your eyelashes”). From 1950 to 1960 he composed about 40 songs, including: Bivuak, Over the river dawn rises, Putevaya, Farewell, based on the hiking and tourism topics. Often borrowed the well-known melodies of other composers. Together with Svetlana Bogdasarova (the author of the music), the songs are written The guy from Kentucky, the Karelian waltz. The first songs in which Vizbor acted as a poet and composer were the Blue Mountains, the Little Radio Operator, the Romantics. During the period of military service he participates in amateur activities. The prose and poems of Vizbor are published in army newspapers. In 1959 he wrote a feuilleton for the magazine Musical Life, in which he criticizes the tastelessness inherent in many tourist songs. By the early 60’s, one of the most famous songs of Vizbor – Dombai Waltz (“Skis at the stove stand”), which has gained great popularity among tourists and climbers.
In 1962 he initiated the creation of youth radio station “Youth”. Since 1964, together with a group of like-minded people, he published the magazine Krugozor. He travels a lot around the country, meeting with representatives of various professions. Accumulated impressions are poured into the genre of the song-reportage. Starting with the song On the Rasvumchorr Plateau they are published on floppy disks as an appendix to the magazine. In 1966, according to his script, he shoots a documentary picture of “Tuva – a crossroads of times”.
Since 1970, Yuri Vizbor starts work in the creative association “Ekran” of the Central Television. Participates in the creation of 40 paintings, among them: “Watch on Kama”, “Bratsk yesterday and tomorrow”, “Year 1943” and “Year 1944” (in the series “Our biography”). According to the scenarios of Vizbor, several feature films were shot: “The Year of the Dragon”, “The Jump”, etc. Filmed in the films: “Retribution”, “Red Tent”, “Rudolphio”, “Moscow, Passage”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”. In the film “The July Rain” (1966) he sang B. Okudzhava’s song “Forgive the Infantry” and his own “Calm Comrade”.
He wrote a number of scripts and plays that were going on in many theaters of the country. The stories and stories of Vizbor were published mostly after his death. The book “I left my heart in the blue mountains” (1986-89) had a circulation of 250 thousand copies.
A significant place in the works of Vizbora is occupied by alpinist subjects (the story “Breakfast with a view of Elbrus”, songs “Khodiki”, “Season of Fortune”, “Polyphony”, etc.). In honor of Yuri Vizbor, mountain peaks are named: “Bird of the Vizbor” (Altai) and “Vizbora Peak” (Pamir-Altai). There are Vizbor passes in the Pamirs and Transbaikalia. He created several hundred songs. In co-authorship with Sergei Nikitin written “My Dear”, “Polar Star”, “Night Road”, etc. By the last years of Yuri Vizbor’s life are many well-known songs: “Now it’s our time”, “Money” (“Now they talk about money “),” Alas, my friends! “,” Volleyball in Sretenka “.
Biography Vizbor Yuri Iosifovich