Biography of Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams – American photographer, was born in San Francisco. I started to take pictures in the clubs “Sierra” and “Yosemite Valley”. The name of the photographer is primarily associated with these clubs.

In 1930, the fascination with photography in the biography of Ansel Adams became professional. In the same year he published the first of all his numerous books with works – “Taos Pueblo”.

Together with Edward Weston and others, Adams founded the f / 64 group in order to instill the art of photography with more aesthetics and picturesqueness. He specialized in unusual landscapes, most of all – in the landscapes of the south-western regions. Ansel tried to emphasize the need to protect the environment. In addition to the prospects of the American deserts, he tried to distinguish smaller, more expressive, deeper details – such as trees, rocks, mole wood, grass.

In the biography of Adams Ansel, many technical reference books were written, including the classic series “Basic Photo-Books”. In addition, he helped found the Department of Photographic Art at the New York Museum of Modern Art, as well as the San Francisco Museum.

His book “Born Free and Equal” was an attempt to help the Japanese people deprived of their freedom in America during the Second World War. In 1946, Adams established the first department of photography at the California School of Art. He also published the first great series of reproductions of works – not only his own, but also other photographers. Photos of Adams became widely known thanks to many books, posters, calendars.

Biography of Ansel Adams