Biography Aliger Margarita Iosifovna

(24.09.1915 – 1972)

Aliger Margarita Iosifovna (24.9.1915, Odessa – 1972). poet, winner of the Stalin Prize (1943). She received her education at the Moscow Chemical Technical School and the Literary Institute named after Gorky (1937). She was born into a Jewish family of a small servant. Published since 1933. And in 1938 she published her first collection of poems “The Year of Birth.” In 1942 joined the CPSU (b). In 1942 she wrote a poem “Zoe” about 3.A. Kosmodemyanskoy, for which in 1943 was awarded the Stalin Prize. Thanks to this poem, after which her name became widely known, Aliger became a symbol of Stalinist patriotic propaganda. In 1942 her collection “In Memory of the Brave” was published, in 1945 the poem “The Tale of Truth” (again about Kosmodemyanskaya) and “Your Victory”, in 1953 the collection “Lenin Hills”. All of Aliger’s work was “imbued with optimism,
Materials from the book: Zalessky K. A. The Empire of Stalin. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000

Biography Aliger Margarita Iosifovna