(1904 – 1941)
Vvedensky Alexander Ivanovich (1904 – 1941), the poet.
He was born on November 23 (December 6, 2001) in St. Petersburg in the family of an economist. He studied at the gymnasium, then at the school. L. Lentovskoy, which he graduated in 1921, not having passed the exam in Russian literature. But already at school I began to write poetry. In those years, A. Blok was a favorite poet. In the 1920s he experienced a strong influence of futurism. Particularly appreciated poetry Kruchenykh.
At the end of the school, he first goes to the Faculty of Law of Petrograd University, then to the Chinese department of the Eastern Faculty, but soon leaves it. He worked as a clerk, then in 1921 – 22 at the Krasny Oktyabr power station. However, Vvedensky’s interests are all in the literature. In these years, the circle of poetry, literary connections of the poet, his contacts in the world of art is expanding. He happens to Klyuev, visits Kuzmin, meets Kharms, who becomes his close friend. In 1925 they appear in the Imagist collection “Extraordinary Friends’ Meetings” with their poems, join the Leningrad Union of Poets, participate in the collections “Collection of Poems”, in a group of absentees (this activity was neither fruitful nor long). They strive to unite “all the left forces,” and in 1927 there appeared a literary and theatrical group called “Oberiu” (Association of Real Art), whose activity consisted in performing theatrical performances-concerts, often accompanied by scandals (the inscriptions were such: “Art is not a scale,” “We are not pies” and etc.). They proclaimed themselves “the creators of not only the new poetic language, but also the creators of a new sensation of life and its subjects.” They existed until 1930, when they were routed. Vvedensky from 1928 acted as a children’s writer, collaborated in the journal “Hedgehog” and “Chizh.” “Art is not a scale”, “We are not pies”, etc.). They proclaimed themselves “the creators of not only the new poetic language, but also the creators of a new sensation of life and its subjects.” They existed until 1930, when they were routed. Vvedensky from 1928 acted as a children’s writer, collaborated in the journal “Hedgehog” and “Chizh.” “Art is not a scale”, “We are not pies”, etc.). They proclaimed themselves “the creators of not only the new poetic language, but also the creators of a new sensation of life and its subjects.” They existed until 1930, when they were routed. Vvedensky from 1928 acted as a children’s writer, collaborated in the journal “Hedgehog” and “Chizh.”
By 1931, almost all the Oberiuti were arrested. Vvedensky was removed from the train on December 10. They were accused that they distract people from the tasks of building socialism with their “abstruse verses.” Vvedensky was accused of “wrecking in the field of children’s literature.” March 21, 1932 was released, but deprived of rights of residence in 16 points of the USSR for a period of 3 years. He lived in Kursk, then moved to Vologda, and completed the link in Borisoglebsk in 1933.
Upon his return to Leningrad, he joins the Writers’ Union. In 1933-34 the best poems by Vvedensky were written: “I’m sorry that I’m not a beast”, “Invitation to think me”, “Four descriptions”, etc. In 1936, being in Kharkov, he marries and leaves with his wife to the Caucasus, then returns to Kharkov, where he lives, sometimes driving to both capitals. Works in children’s literature, earns the composition of clown reprises, verses, miniatures. In 1939 he wrote the play “The Fir-tree near the Ivanovs”. Shortly before the war, he wrote a play for the puppet theater of S. Obraztsov. During these years, I did not do much with my poems. The latest works are plays “The Potter”, “Where, When.”
In 1941 the Germans were approaching Kharkov, and the family had to be evacuated. The train was crowded, so it was decided to stay and wait for the next one, which was due to go in a few days. However, there was no further evacuation. Two days later
Vvedensky was arrested, charged with “counter-revolutionary” article 54 – 10. The exact date of death is unknown. Later, the rehabilitation document was dated December 20, 1941.
A brief biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Alexander Vvedensky