How wonderful it is to follow the thin ribbon of the path and, forgetting everything, to dissolve in the majestic beauty of the forest! It’s like he opens his arms to you, and you freeze in silent astonishment.
Silence grabs you. You stand still, as if waiting for something. But then the wind comes and everything immediately comes to life. The trees wake up, they throw off the sunny leaves – the letters of Autumn and the Forest. You’ve been waiting for them for so long! Looking through each leaf, at last you find the letter addressed only to you.
What does the forest think about? What dreams? Looking at the orange veins of the Maple Leaf, you can learn everything: the forest writes you about Leta with a laughing sun and nightingale trills, about the spring with its first flowers, cranes and flowering trees. About the sorceress-winter, which will soon come, will cover the forest with its snow coverlet, and it will gleam in the sun.
And while Les lives in Autumn and rejoices at every moment, not noticing that days, months are running… And Autumn is changing. She is increasingly sad and crying in the autumn rain.
And how wonderful to sit in the woods under the tree and watch the silvery drops! The rain fills the forest with a unique freshness. You are not at all sad, on the contrary – you are happy when suddenly you see small colorful mushrooms that have imperceptibly appeared under a tree.
Your soul soars high up to heaven. And you hide this feeling of flight deep in the heart. To bring it to the next Autumn, or maybe to carry through life…
Alone with nature, or Farewell with Autumn