Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Biography

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is a Russian dramatist who confirmed the principles of realism on the domestic stage and raised the national theater to a fundamentally new level. Ostrovsky Theater, numbering more than 700 actors and covering all social strata, is a kind of encyclopedia of everyday life and mores of an era in the history of Russia.

The life of A. Ostrovsky in dates and facts

April 12, 1823 – was born in the family of a lawyer, in Zamoskvorechye – an old merchant and bureaucratic district of Moscow.

In 1840, after graduation from the gymnasium, at the insistence of his father, he entered the law faculty of Moscow University, which he left in 1843 because of a lack of interest in jurisprudence. However, this did not save him from the bureaucratic service in the Moscow Commercial Court, which he threw in the late 40’s. for the sake of literary creativity.

1849 – appeared the first great comedy “His people – we’ll count!”, Which brought Ostrovsky all-Russian fame, despite the fact that it was banned for staging on stage.

1850’s. – a number of plays were written that strengthened the glory of the playwright: “Poor Bride”, “Do not Get into Your Sledge”, “Poverty is not a vice”, “In a strange feast hangover,” “Profitable place,

In 1856, the writer went on a trip along the Volga, enriched by his impressions, which for many years his creativity was nourished.

In 1859 the drama “Groza” was created, which caused a wide public discussion and turned into a kind of emblem of Ostrovsky’s art.

In 1862 – made a trip to Europe, during which he visited Germany, Italy, France, England.

1870s-1880s. – was created a large series of plays about women’s destinies, which, in particular, belong to the drama “Late Love”, “The Last Sacrifice”, “Slaves”, “Not of this World”, etc. Ostrovsky’s creativity of this period was crowned with the creation of such masterpieces of Russian dramaturgy, like the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” and the drama “The Dowry”.

In the early 80’s. A. Ostrovsky actively involved in the process of reforming the Russian scene.

In 1884 – was appointed to the post of head of the repertoire of the Moscow theaters.

June 14, 1886 – suddenly died because of angina.

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Biography