
1. How and why did the natural features and economic use of the Volga change after the creation of the Volga cascade?

After the creation of the Volga cascade of HPPs, which significantly increased the level and regulated the regime of the river, it was possible to put an end to floods and spills and make the river navigable almost throughout its entire length. The Volga began to play the role of an important transport artery. In addition, the reservoirs make it possible to irrigate arid lands and proceed to obtain sustainable yields.

2. Give reasons that confirm the role of the Volga in the economic life of the population.

The following facts confirm the exceptional importance of the Volga in the economic life of the country: The Volga is now the axis of the United Deep Sea System of European Russia. More than half of the passenger and cargo transportation by river transport of the country falls on the rivers of the Volga-Kama basin. Building materials, timber, oil, coal, grain, vegetables are transported along the Volga.

The cascade of 11 Volga hydroelectric power plants generates about 35% of Russia’s electricity. On the Volga there are 4 millionaire cities.

3. What role did the Volga play in the history of Russia?

At all times the Volga was an important transport route, however, the size of shipping in ancient times was different. On the Volga there were ancient Russian cities: Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Tver.

During the years of enemy invasions the Volga was an important defensive border. In the XVI century. On the Volga there were fortified points – Samara, Volgograd, Saratov. In 1942-1943 years. the hordes of fascist invaders were stopped at Stalingrad.



