Is it easy to be fair

No matter how obvious the answer to the question posed in the title of this page seemed, do not rush to give it. Think about situations in which you feel offended or observed how others offend. Probably, each of you was a witness of misunderstandings between classmates.

Agree that it is fairly difficult to treat others fairly: after all, from the moral point of view, we should be the first to forgive a person, even if injustice to us on his part is obvious. Let us not do to others what we would not wish ourselves, we will be kind and merciful to others, we will love them – and only in that case we will be able to become just. Of course, to achieve this in relations with others is not easy. After all, as a rule, we first want to be fair to us, and only then we are ready to answer justice for justice. But from the standpoint of morality, good must come from the person himself. This is what the golden rule of morality teaches. “So, it is almost impossible to achieve justice in relations between people?” one of you will ask frustrated. Do not despair! In fact, a sense of justice, which manifests itself primarily in resisting any injustice, is inherent in every person. A great number of works of folklore and fiction have been devoted to the search for truth and justice. Remember the fairy tales in which the offender-villain is punished. The moral experience of mankind teaches that in order to be fair, it is necessary: ​​first, to be honest, truthful; secondly, not to think only of one’s self-interest, self-interest; thirdly, be sincere; Fourth, be generous. Modern philosophers argue that justice and magnanimity are two sides of the same coin, so one value can not exist without the other. A great number of works of folklore and fiction have been devoted to the search for truth and justice. Remember the fairy tales in which the offender-villain is punished. The moral experience of mankind teaches that in order to be fair, it is necessary: ​​first, to be honest, truthful; secondly, not to think only of one’s self-interest, self-interest; thirdly, be sincere; Fourth, be generous. Modern philosophers argue that justice and magnanimity are two sides of the same coin, so one value can not exist without the other. A great number of works of folklore and fiction have been devoted to the search for truth and justice. Remember the fairy tales in which the offender-villain is punished. The moral experience of mankind teaches that in order to be fair, it is necessary: ​​first, to be honest, truthful; secondly, not to think only of one’s self-interest, self-interest; thirdly, be sincere; Fourth, be generous. Modern philosophers argue that justice and magnanimity are two sides of the same coin, so one value can not exist without the other. to be magnanimous. Modern philosophers argue that justice and magnanimity are two sides of the same coin, so one value can not exist without the other. to be magnanimous. Modern philosophers argue that justice and magnanimity are two sides of the same coin, so one value can not exist without the other.

Generosity is the quality of a person with kind, noble feelings; not touching.



