Winter in my city

Winter in my city does not bring joy to our yard dog named Chernysh. In our yard every porch supports its mongrel. Our entrance is Chernysh.

Chernysh is an ordinary, skinny dog, with a long thin tail, a curled-up donut. He’s all black, without a single bright spot. Especially he is attached to Aunt Rae, who lives on the top floor. She does not have her own children, and she gives all her love to domestic dogs. Chernysh is her favorite. However, Aunt Rai’s love does not help Chernysh from the winter misfortunes: cold, wind, snow. Aunt Raya tried. take it for the winter in an apartment, but the dog is accustomed to freedom and did not get accustomed to the house. In winter, he slept on the iron roof of the basement, where the wipers keep their shovels and brooms. In the beginning, only Aunt Raya fed the dog, but too fierce winters were issued in recent years! So the residents of different apartments began to help her support the dog. Someone carried out and made an old jacket for Chernysh on the iron roof of the cellar; Someone made something out of a big cardboard box from under the TV, something like a booth for a dog. Covered the box with a plastic wrap. And I must say that Chernysh safely spent the winter nights there. In the afternoon he barked briskly along the snowy yard, frightening pigeons and crows.

The bird is also not sweet in the winter in the city, and we tried not to forget to take them dry bread. And a winter sign in my city is the troughs on the balconies for the bullfinches. We, for example, made a feeder from a polyethylene bottle. Cutting it in half, we hung a container to one of the clotheslines on the balcony, poured in seeds, put pieces of bacon. Snegiri bravely flew in and the feeder and reinforced.

In such unpretentious efforts winter passes. It even becomes a pity when it ends. It seems that you do not seem to need your ward anymore. But we are not offended by them. Our love is unselfish.



