What does it mean to be a man

Through the prism of religion or through our own thinking, each of us thought about what it means to be human. Dry academic language means the word “man” as a sociocultural unit capable of thinking, creating, working, serving in the army, retiring and dying. Nothing personal, as they say. But the most inquisitive of us think about their spiritual, personal and universal purpose. What does it mean to be human? Christianity tells us that man is the creation of God, his slave, and around “vanity of vanities” and “there is no meaning in life under the sun.” The Qur’an gives approximately the same interpretation to the word man, prescribing a rigorous and measured algorithm of life. The media, transnational corporations, politicians and the state strongly assure us that being a man means buying unnecessary things, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, earning pennies and voting for United Russia. But all this is not it.

The most clear interpretation of the meaning of a person’s name and its purpose can be found in the books of Gurdjieff and Castaneda, in the Vedas and the treatises of yoga. Having studied at least some of the listed works, you will understand that being a man means having a destiny, a path and personal power. To be a man is to receive wholeness, world perception. To be a man is to consider life as a lesson, as a journey. After all, you can live as if miracles do not happen at all or as if every moment is a miracle. If there is no time to read, then you can watch the film “Peaceful Warrior” directed by Victor Salva. In addition, the film will answer the important question: “what does it mean – a strong person?”.

We live in a society that is a whole super-system, so it is very important to know and meet many criteria. For example, such as intelligence, culture and so on. It is worthwhile to consider them in more detail.

Culture is a code of conduct in a closed society. And the norms of culture can vary depending on the history of the development of this society. Thus, the familiarity adopted in Russia with respect to even an unfamiliar person in conservative societies in Europe will be regarded as a negligent attitude. So, you will show your uncivileness. That is, to be a cultured person means to conform to your own norms of social morality of a particular society.

An intelligent person has always been called the one whose education level is higher than most of the people’s representatives. So, in the imperial and Soviet times, intelligent people formed a whole class – the intelligentsia. The intelligentsia included poets, writers, editors of magazines and correspondents, as well as part of the bohemia: actors and theater directors. Academic scientists of the fundamental fields of science were rarely reckoned with. But if you take an intelligent nuclear physicist to an intelligent person, then there will be no mistake. The very word “intelligent” comes from the Latin intel-lego, which means “to know, to think, to have an idea of ​​something.” Proceeding from this, it can be understood that an intelligent person in everyday life is called a smart, profound person with a subtle sense of culture,



