Man man friend writing

The dog is the man’s best friend. These words we all know from childhood. “Betrayed as a dog” refers to a man who never betrays, sacrifices himself for the sake of family or friends. There are many stories about dog loyalty and love for one’s master. The most famous story about Hatiko. This dog was waiting for its deceased host for many years at the station. A dog is still a handsome man or not, he has money or he is poor. Dogs love us just for what we are. She feels the mood of the owner. If it’s bad, he’ll do it, put his head on his knees. And it is already easier, because you are not alone, because someone needs.

The dog is the man’s best friend, but the man is the best friend for the dog? Many people have dogs. Some owners are very fond of their pets. I know a story about an American who wore his old dog every day at sea. The dog could not sleep with pain, but in the water it became easier. The man was holding the dog in his arms, and she was asleep. But there are not many such cases. More often people treat the dog not as a friend. Few people are willing to sacrifice themselves for her sake. A dog is given as a toy or by the fact that it is fashionable. And when bored, can throw away. She’s a dog – she’ll survive somehow. And the dog does not understand that it is not needed and returns. Now there are many stray dogs on the streets. And half of them were domestic.

A sick dog can be put to sleep, since it is expensive to treat. This lull, take another. For me it’s a betrayal. If a person does this to dogs, he can betray people. A good person, according to AP Chekhov, is ashamed even before the dog. You can not betray those who love us. And if the dog is the man’s best friend, then the person should become her friend. This friendship will make people more kind and nobler, teach them to enjoy every day and love, not demanding anything in return.



