Composition “Why I Love Winter”

What a wonderful time – winter! Spun, curled up. Frosts pinned water. The birches froze in snow-white fringes, the shaggy hats on the pines gleamed, sparkled with snow cones on the branches of the fir trees. All around the student’s silence. The frosty air bites. The snow cover reliably covered the ground. You come out of the spruce twilight – the spirit captures: such a radiance of snow, sky, sun! It’s just a miracle!

A special nature is winter in the city. With a whistle, a blizzard rushes through the streets, rushes in the alleys, piercing all the living with spiked needles. Snow lies where snowdrifts, and where a thin layer. The winter sun wanders, as if in the mountains, between houses, sometimes the snow drifts, white dust is flowing.

In the forest at this time, too, many interesting things. While the snow is still shallow, traces of animals are found everywhere in the forest. Birds also often land in search of food. The squirrel manages to find favorite fruits, even when the thickness of the snow cover is great. At the edge of the forest, the moose feed on the willow. The fox is next to the mouse. Raising clouds of snow, make their way along the path of wild boar. A hazel grouse flew out of the bushes to the edge and sat down on the tree: you can also soak up the winter sun. A bear sleeps in the den near by. The wind is barely audible through the branches of the trees, and the forest sings a winter song. What is it about? About the beauty of nature. About all life on Earth.

Winter is a time of fun games and fun. Going out into the street, you can see how someone, creaking with snow, skiing or sledding, like a girl draws beautiful sketches on the ice with a blade of skates. Even to study in winter is easier. A fresh breeze carries away sad thoughts from the head.

I like winter because it’s the most beautiful time of the year and because in winter my favorite holiday is the New Year. In a magical night at the sparkling fir trees people cheer from the heart and make wishes. With the last blow of the Kremlin chimes the new year comes, new joys and cares come. (277 words)



