Time and We

Modern man lives in a fast time. And it is often very difficult for him to escape from this turbulent flow. He sometimes does not have time to comprehend the present. Life pace is so great that a modern person does not even have time to think about the future. Meanwhile, it’s not for nothing that they say that if you do not think about your future, you will never have it. After all, the future is built and matures in the present.

What is “time” and “we”? What kind of relationship exists between us? What does the past, the present and the future matter for us? How do they affect us?

In one of his poems, the poet V. Mayakovsky wrote: “Pasha’s time is difficult for a pen.” Perhaps he was right. But V. Mayakovsky was a futurist. And among the futurists, we will soon find the denial of all traditions and authorities, than the poeticization of the connection of times and generations. It’s hard not to agree with the poet in one thing: it’s really difficult to write about and write about your time. In order to assess today’s day as objectively as possible, we must clearly visualize our place in the world, be able to look at ourselves and everything that surrounds you from the outside. And this is not easy.

In the works of Russian literature, the main component is not time, but space. Time in the Russian national space is always secondary. Of course, there are some exceptions. For example, B. Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago”. It seems to me that the main character here is just the time, because the actions and characters of the characters are determined by him. The author describes revolutionary events in all their naked complexity, in the acute struggle of the old world with the new. And in this split time, lives, suffers, torments the protagonist.

Zhivago does not interfere in the course of events, he seems to swim with the flow of revolutionary time – a powerful, impetuous. The revolution turned his life around. The old, familiar world collapsed, and in the new one he never found a place for himself. But in the revolutionary vortex Zhivago managed to keep a clean soul.

The revolutionary era is reflected in the work of many Russian writers. Some of them acted as strict and impartial chroniclers. Realizing the historical significance of the moment, they tried to capture a chronicle of turbulent events. Others, like M. Bulgakov, analyzed the situation, sought to answer the question: how could this happen? “White Guard”, “Running”, “Dog Heart” – this is not a complete list of works of the writer, where “in the crown of revolution” intertwined the fate of the characters. Take at least the story “Dog’s Heart”. Due to his upbringing and education, Professor Preobrazhensky does not recognize the proletariat. He is oppressed by the ideology of the crowd, whose main weapon is not intelligence, but blind rage, destroying everything around them. Despite this, he creates his own hands Sharikov, in the image of which, as if in a mirror, reflects the whole ugliness of the new time and the caricature of the new masters of the country and life. Boorishness, rudeness, triumphant ignorance, an uncontrollable desire for destruction and a denial of everything that was achieved by Russia – all this acquired a satirical sound in the image of Sharikov.

The Sharikovs seized power. But they are not immortal. They can be defeated if not by force, then by reason. Professor Preobrazhensky comes to grips with time, reverses it and again turns Sharikov into an innocuous mongrel.

“Times do not choose, they live and die,” – said the Russian poet A. Kushner. Yes, it’s useless to complain for a while. We come to this world, and most importantly – do not get lost in it, be able to adequately endure all that destiny destined us.



