The Art of Theater

No one knows exactly when the theatrical art appeared. It was relevant and was an indicator of high culture at almost all times. What is the value of theatrical art? Why does not it lose its popularity today?

The theater is famous for its unique fairy-tale atmosphere. This is a complex art, because it is collective. A theatrical production requires a harmonious interaction of many details. This is the scenery, and the actors’ play, and the script itself.

Theatrical art is truly unique even in our modern age, rich in various entertainments. What is its main difference from other types of cultural recreation? The theater does not separate the actor from the viewer. This, of course, is a living art. The audience and actors during the production are almost the same whole. This is the special charm of the theater.

The viewer watches himself as an actor gets used to the role. The public, you can say, has a unique opportunity to see the process of creation. The actor, like a true artist, creates the necessary image, and all this here and now, right before the eyes of the delighted spectator.

Unlike most other types of arts, the theater does not make outside observers from its public. In any setting, not only the actors play, but also the reaction of the audience. Theatrical art, as it were, makes the public feel that it is also an inseparable part of it. It is difficult to imagine the production without admiring applause, or opposite indifferent silence.

Some ancient thinkers went even further in the idea of ​​uniting the viewer and the actor. Previously, there was an idea that a person coming to the play, seeing on the stage a concentrated expression of all powerful emotions, experiences a kind of catharsis. That is, the viewer identifies himself with the actor and feels the release of all his suppressed feelings. That is, there was a time when it was believed that theatrical art not only delivers aesthetic pleasure, but also is a kind of medicine for the soul. Yes, and now you can find in this theory a lot of truth.

If we mention the theater, almost every person will imagine the usual production. However, there are other varieties of this art. First of all, it’s an opera. What it is? Opera is a unique and unique representation in which actors express their emotions through singing, and not through words. In addition, this genre can not exist without genius music. Opera, unlike the usual theater productions, is more poetic. It does not affect the rational and logical level of human consciousness, but directly on emotions and intuition. This kind of theatrical art should be perceived not by thinking, but by feelings. Maybe that’s why a genre like opera is not to everyone’s liking, it has both opponents and admiring admirers.

What other kinds of theatrical art exist? Of course, here you can not ignore the ballet. This is a doubly unique form of art. Here, all feelings are expressed not only through music, but also with the help of dance. This is the unique magic and attraction of the ballet. Any great work can be expressed through dance. However, when you visit the ballet from the viewer you need the utmost concentration and involvement. The public should be extremely receptive to being able to “read” the message that is contained in every movement.

Undoubtedly, the art of the theater will enjoy the great love of people and after a while. This is truly a cultural holiday in its highest manifestation, which not only fills the viewer with new emotions, but also serves as an educational, entertaining and even educational purpose.



