Maxim Gorky said about the significance of Anton Chekhov’s creativity: “when Chekhov dies, one of Russia’s best friends, a clever, impartial, truthful friend, dies, a friend who loves her, compassion for her in everything, and Russia will tremble with grief and not for a long time will forget him for a long time, he will learn to understand life according to his writings, illuminated by a sad smile of a loving heart, according to his stories, impregnated with deep knowledge of life, wise impartiality and compassion for people, not pity, but compassion for an intelligent and sensitive person who understands everything. “
Reading these lines, you agree with every word of the great Russian writer. It is impossible to overestimate the work of Anton Chekhov.
A. P. Chekhov – one of the largest Russian realists. His stories confirm this. They have a mirror image of reality, a real man – without makeup and retouching. Penetrating the problems of the Russian people, he said in his heart: “It’s impossible to live like this!”.
Most of Chekhov’s stories are small works, but this is the skill of the writer, in order to convey the essence in small ones, to convey what was conceived, to open his eyes to the reader.
Through his stories he activates our imagination, gives an impetus to our thought.
AP Chekhov in his stories eliminates all unnecessary, avoids a large number of characters, descriptions. With the help of a hint, an accentuated subject, the choice of one central character – he reveals what he has conceived.
It turns out that his stories, although small, but large in terms of human imagination. The language of his stories is simple, accessible, but this does not at all diminish Chekhov’s lexical wealth. It is colossal!
Humorous stories of A. P. Chekhov “The Intruder”, “Hamelion” and others – it’s laughter through tears. At them he reveals many vices of man, namely: insincerity, grovel.
In the story “Fear” AP Chekhov reveals the essence of the feeling of fear, which holds, confuses the person, prevents him from developing. In the story, misunderstanding and fear are closely intertwined – they breed each other.
The story of Anton Chekhov’s “Ionych” is a subtle psychological analysis, in which the writer shows the stages and causes of the spiritual degeneration of the main character. And he showed them in all its details. Chekhov showed the conflict between a person and the social environment, between personal plans and the elements of life.
In the stories “About Love”, “The Man in a Case”, “Gooseberries” – the struggle with the very futility, which does not allow to see the present, to understand oneself. In them he shows how hard, stupid and naked rationalism, naked logic, when the material is higher than the spiritual, destroy everything, even love.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a critic of philistinism. Reading his story “Thin and fat” you begin to understand this. He showed the moral abysses of philistinism, he warned the “little man” from losing himself.
The title of the story “Chamber No. 6” is used in the modern world when they want to tell about something unreal, about people who have lost the sense of reality. About the complexity and inability to find yourself in such a difficult world.
Once Anton Chekhov remarked: “In art, as in life, nothing happens by chance.” This we can relate to writing his stories, that they are not written by chance. The combination of his stories of comicism and tragedy gives a keen sense of the human soul, circumstances, encourages correct conclusions and decisions. The hero of the always relevant Chekhov story is eternal.