I believe that nature is really our common home – and because we are all part of nature, to a certain extent its children, and because we live in the midst of nature.
Evidence of this can be a man’s eternal craving for nature. Someone can not imagine resting other than working near the land, growing vegetables, fruits or flowers. Someone wants to leave the city at least once a week for nature. When the eyes get tired of work, we are advised to look at the greens. There is something ancient in man from those times, maybe when we were addicted to nature, close to her, like a child to the mother. Maybe that’s why we are so attracted by the trees and so it’s a pity to us when they are destroyed. Man seeks to find in nature that peace, which she lacks in the modern world. And so it was always.
Proof of this are the works of M. Kotsiubynsky, who very subtly felt nature. So in the novel “Intermezzo” and in the novel “The Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” we meet the personification of the images of nature. It is in the novel that the author expresses the opinion that nature gives a person peace of mind, which is not in it in a society where hatred and grief often reigns. Such peace and comfort gives a person only a home. Here is an understanding person: nature is her home.
It is this idea that is increasingly the center of numerous articles and speeches of modern scientists who understand that nature as a home must be protected. Now everyone understands this, and especially after the Chernobyl disaster. Fukushima today again reminds humanity how tough it can be. Therefore, today this problem – the preservation of nature – is the most urgent.