Profession teacher is the most honorable profession in civilized countries, because the educator with his own efforts molds human nature, shows the characteristics of the nature and personality of the child and, ultimately, the future of his pupil. The teacher should have the ability to set the direction of the child’s life path, engage in the educational process in a positive way towards the trainee, develop the good sides of the child’s soul and work together to identify the bad. Teacher should develop children comprehensively, taking into account mental, physical, moral and aesthetic educational aspects.
Being a teacher in our time is difficult enough, and very few people want to devote themselves to teaching. This is sad, but statistics say that every year less school graduates enter pedagogical universities and secondary special educational institutions. Agree that finding the reasons for this can be very simple: low wages, daily stresses, lack of support from the state, a huge amount of work. It should be noted that before the teacher was treated with great respect, and now there is a tendency to reduce the level of cultural education of society, which begins to disparage the profession of the teacher.
But, despite all these shortcomings, I believe that the profession of a teacher, which is one of the oldest, will remain in demand throughout the entire existence of mankind. After all, society could not have developed and existed if the younger generation, stepping into the present life to replace the elder, should have started all over again, trying to create in the darkness of the mind and not using the experience that it inherited. A teacher is a teacher, a mentor – this is his civil, human destiny.
In young inexperienced years it is difficult to choose the one, the only work that you will give after many years of life, it is difficult to find your way, not regret later and achieve mastery in the chosen profession. Even in adolescence, I realized that I will devote my life to education. My mother is a teacher in primary school. I grew up under the constant influence of school life on me. I tried to help my mother check notebooks, find new approaches and methods of teaching. We together with her came up with creative tasks for children. And it all took hold of me so much that when I was asked who I wanted to become: without hesitation, answered that my vocation was a teacher.
I never regretted my choice of profession and I’m even proud of him. The path to professional pedagogical heights is not easy, but it fills with meaning all the teaching life. The one who has determined the importance of the chosen case for himself must pass this way, feel the joy and happiness of joint success: the success of a talented teacher and talented students!