Charles Dickens – a great English realist artist and Victorian moral preacher

Charles Dickens is a great writer, the creator of the English realistic novel of modern times. The creative heritage of Dickens is rightfully considered an artistic symbol of the life of England during the Victorian period. In realistic novels created by the writer, Victorian England recognized itself in all its unattractive beauty.

As a realistic artist, Charles Dickens became famous for the skill of subtle psychological analysis and the breadth of the coverage of typical social phenomena. His cheerful humor and merciless satire combined with a love for a man who, as the writer himself claimed, was a “whole ocean” helped him create an impressive gallery of immortal literary images. However, along with the task of showing “the truth of life,” the writer set himself another and, from his point of view, no less important task-the moral preaching of good. He believed until the end of his life that it is possible to overcome evil only through the preaching of good and “family education.” Charles Dickens did not know how to change society as a whole, but he knew that it was necessary to try to do everything possible to make a person better. Only in this way, the writer thought,

Dickens the moralist almost always lost to Dickens the artist, perhaps because, as a moralist, he always lived in the ideal world. But at the same time, this ideal fairy-christmas world, gleaned from the writer of folk culture and folklore, was the life-giving source for Dickens the artist. In his books there are characters of folk children’s songs, fairy tales. Witches, giants and sorceresses, who came from oral creativity, are combined in his novels with a realistic description of Britain in the 19th century.

The work of Charles Dickens was a continuation and development of the traditions of the English novel of the XVIII – early XIX centuries. At the same time, the writer significantly enriched not only British realism. His work, as an urban writer, had a huge impact on all European and American literature. Dostoevsky, Leskov, Kafka, Faulkner and many other great writers considered Dickens their teacher.

The well-known Russian researcher of English literature E. Yu. Genieva wrote: “Dickens is a very different writer, kind, funny, caricature at the beginning of the creative path, tragic, full of skepticism, irony, psychological insights – at the end.” The Christian, who possessed a striking, almost regenerative love of life “.

The evangelical passion of Charles Dickens, his “revivalistic love of life” and subtle English humor still attract us today in the creative heritage of the great English writer-realist.



