Writing my spiritual world

In fact, every child knows that this world exists. It’s in childhood that everyone loves fairy tales, they are afraid of the dark, they believe in miracles, some can even fly. It is very easy to explain this – a pure soul of a child, sinless and enthusiastic, able to communicate with the spiritual world directly.
Adults often do not think about this world and just wait, they will not wait when the child finally grows up to show him the whole truth of life: miracles do not happen, think with your head, study, or you will be a janitor, love is evil and other “truths” “their real adult world.
When the first dairy tooth falls out in the child, the gradual repression of his spiritual world by the physical begins. And it is at this time that the children go to school to study all of its laws there, to receive knowledge about it. It is from this age that the soul becomes sinful, moving away from the miracle, from the spiritual world.
“A rare bird will reach the middle…” But some children still stand, sacrificing their reputation, friendship with their peers and all the attributes of early growing up. They will forever be written in “eccentrics, not of this world, stunned, fools, geniuses or fuckers” – it all depends only on who hangs the label.
If there are smart and sensitive adults nearby, everything, probably, will pass without terrible tears and breaks. And, if such a child remains alone, only God will help him to survive.
This century can safely be called the century of autism. Children are born who live in their own world. They do not want, can not, or are unable to make this transition from the spiritual world into a real world alien to them. There is no opportunity to help them, because there is no way to understand the main thing: the spiritual world is not subject to the physical world.
It has its own spiritual laws, they are irrevocable and inevitable, they can not be violated.
Knowing the law of “inertia”, a person holds on to the support in moving vehicles, so as not to fall and do not break his head. Knowing that lying and stealing badly, a person does this, hoping that no one will ever find out, and this will get him out of hand.
But one of the main laws of the spiritual world is to be honest. On it are conscience, honor, dignity of personality. Starting to live in a lie, a person will lose them very quickly. But the law of spirituality, which says that “all secret things will someday become apparent,” will work even during life, probably many people could see it. Some are waiting for exposure after death. Rather, death will come to them before.
Do you think that it’s only you have a flash drive in your pocket with information that can become available at any time? The naive delusion… The hard drive of your small computer stores so much information and gives it to you at the first demand, then only one thing – it’s a minimum for a person.
Imagine that the sky is a monitor, and what does the divine computer store? What “videos” of your secret life will become the property of all those who have never even guessed at your double life, morality and morality. Poor mothers, unhappy children…
But you need something very little: living in the physical world, always remember the spiritual world, learning the laws of life, not disregard the laws of the spiritual world, educating the child in the family to be honest not in words but in personal example.
Read the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, the Ten Bible Commandments, the book “Deuteronomy,” where there are chapters on the blessing and curse that will surely come… Make your choice and help make it to your children!



