“My favorite animal is a parrot” composition

Parrots are wonderful and interesting birds. They are sociable and cheerful. The appearance of parrots immediately shows that they are brought to us from the rainforests – in their bright plumage you can find

My favorite sport is figure skating

I like figure skating. Many do not understand how a boy might like it, but it is. I once in a deep childhood with the submission of my father began to practice hockey. They

“Beauty around us” composition

Our main beauty is nature. in the pirode we will find everything and greenery and everything is all. here is the beginning of the self itself Has it ever happened to you: you walked

Composition “Youth and old age”

Contrasting youth with loneliness and old age is the problem over which the author reasons. This moral question belongs to the category of the eternal, as not one person meditated on it for centuries.

Culture essay

Culture. How often do we hear this word, what is its meaning and what does it mean? The culture of speech, the cultural man, the culture of nutrition, etc. There are many definitions of

Composition “Hobbies of my family”

Hobbies are very different. Someone is fond of sports, someone can not live without travel. Favorite thing can be one for the whole family, and maybe so that everyone is keen on different things.

My class

Each school class has its own characteristics and is not similar to other groups of children. Classmates spend most of the time together, communicate with each other, share news, consult and joke. In my

My home favorite

I want to tell the story of the life of my pet, the cat Barsik. He was given to us three years ago as a female, which we called Basya. Pussy grew up and

“Always always traces of the past”

Two feelings are marvelously close to us, In them the heart finds food: Love of native ashes, Love of fatherly coffins. AS Pushkin Academician D. Likhachev in his Letters on the Good and Beautiful

Composition on the subject School

At school, I spend almost half my life. The schedule for almost every day of my life depends on how much time I spend in school. Right after school, I do all my homework
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