Writing “Patience and work will peretrut”

Anyone who is not “born in a shirt”, but certainly wants to achieve much by himself, must make serious persistence. To achieve the cherished idea, it is useful to show such qualities as patience and work. Therefore, it is important to correctly understand the saying: “patience and work will peretrut” in the process of overcoming life’s troubles. The concepts of “patience” and “work” are interconnected, but at the core they are far from unambiguous.
The concept of “patience”, by definition of psychologists with great difficulty turns into quality. If a person has developed in himself, achieving a successful result often becomes a matter of time. After all, “patience” in the field of activity presupposes the preservation of self-control and endurance in the hope of better results. In addition, patience can be attributed to will and perseverance, as indispensable qualities that help overcome obstacles on the way to a dream.
Many of these qualities have to be developed with great difficulty. Labor here is the most important condition for well-being in all spheres of human life. Analyzing the relationship of patience with work, you should pay attention to mental and physical stress. It is the main component of great deeds.
For this reason, the proverb about the patience of labor, rubbing all the circumstances became a particle of the spiritual power of the people of Russia. The fact that it has become so popular among the people speaks of its mental commitment to persevering with the weight and hardships of a difficult life. In addition, labor in this regard, is the only way to overcome natural and introduced misfortunes.
Thus, laziness attributed to the Russian people, as a national trait, is largely refuted by the relevance of the above proverb. Its meaning indicates the true mentality of Russians – boundlessly patient, unremitting workers.

Writing “Patience and work will peretrut”