How much humanity exists, so much is concerned with its eternal problem of “fathers and children”, which is based on the break of ties between different generations. What leads to a misunderstanding between “fathers and children”? From the time of Socrates and Aristotle to the present day, there is a conflict in society (the disagreement, the clash that lies at the heart of the struggle of heroes) between generations. This question occupied and occupies if not central, then one of the main places in their thoughts. During the turbulent changes in any sphere of a person’s life, this problem arises with redoubled force: fathers are conservatives who are alien to any changes, and children are the “engines of progress”, striving to overthrow the foundations and traditions, to realize their ideas. “Fathers and children” I take in a broader sense than family ties.
I remember the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov. The conflict between “fathers and children” here lies in the field of worldviews, views on the world. Famusov boasts that life, in his opinion, lived with dignity. He argues that Sophia should not look for another model, if in the eyes of “an example of his father.” What is interesting in this work is that not only Famusov and his entourage are related to the “fathers”, but also the contemporaries of Chatsky, Sophia and Molchalin, who are members of the Famus society, and Chatsky, a representative of the new world, are alien to them. It is alien because it thinks about the world and acts differently in life.
This social phenomenon was reflected in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, where Evgeni Bazarov, by his behavior and statements, shows that the time in which the elder Kirsanovs and his father lived irreversibly goes to the past, and the epoch with other principles and ideals. But in this work it can be noted that in his finale Arkady, former Bazarov’s companion, and his wife Katya, young people join the camp of “fathers”. Interesting in this novel is the fact that N. P. Kirsanov is ready to agree with Bazarov’s reproaches: “The pill is bitter, and it is necessary to swallow it!”
I can conclude that the disagreements between the “fathers” and “children” have always existed. The reasons for them are completely different, but the essence is one – the misunderstanding of people of different eras, which can be avoided easily, if only a little bit more tolerant to each other. At the same time I want to emphasize that as though fathers and children did not argue, they still remained and remain close people… (355 words)