In the summer, when the school holidays come, I always leave: sometimes to the village to relatives, sometimes with parents at sea, once went to Moscow for three weeks. I always return in a good mood, there are always so many impressions and memories that I share them with friends for six months.
But I have a dream: I often dream that I am in Italy. Not even in Italy, but in Venice. I saw several films showing this city on the water, where people do not walk or ride in the usual transport, but swim in special boats – gondolas. I saw it, but I can not believe everything I saw. How do the houses stand on the water? Is it very damp there? We somehow broke a pipe in the street, so everyone living on the first floor went to spend the night in other houses. And suddenly you will fall from the boat, after all, maybe the wind or uneven passengers will be located? In the films everyone is funny, they sing a lot. Well, this city is not to live in it, but to just have fun and celebrate? So I want to see everything, as it really is, to touch with my own hands, to look beyond the doors of houses, at least to spy. Or maybe there is a museum and everything will be shown and told in it.
So I would like to go to Venice someday. But definitely in the summer.
Where would I like to go in the summer