What should the family be like?
Today’s young family faces many problems: it is mutual distrust, misunderstanding, constant scandals, and accusations against each other. But do not make premature conclusions and put a cross on your own family. Very often, especially this repents of girls, soberly sort out the situation is hampered by excessive emotionality and a propensity for stress. What should be the ideal family, how to create such a family?
It is useful to look at the situation in the family as if from outside, mentally to become a partner and try to feel what he feels. The task seems easy at first sight. Deep into it, everyone will understand how difficult it is. There is also a simpler way: answers to difficult questions can be found, for example, in movies or on forums on the net. Create an ideal family is hampered by continuous scandals, how to deal with this? Here you need to start with the obvious – try to be less short-tempered, behave more restrained. The readiness to break off on an insignificant occasion, in the hearts to slam the door signals, most likely, not about the misdemeanor of the second half, but about its own imbalance. To clear the way to peace and harmony, it is enough to just drink a sedative.
But there are cases when the cause of family troubles is really in the partner or in the so-called “household incompatibility”. To save the family, to bring the relationship between the spouses closer to the ideal will not be possible without the ability to compromise. For young families, disagreements on the basis of fulfilling household duties are characteristic. It is possible to find out by experience who of the couple which classes are more to their liking. For example, what will a man prefer – washing dishes or looking after a child. Obviously the second, because the infant on his knees will not prevent the head of the family from watching TV. This can be used. Experienced to find out which of the pair which classes are more to their liking and to compromise.
Composing situations where a spouse or spouse will do homework if not with joy, then, at least, without irritation is a very important aspect. A loving husband, while watching football and ironing underwear – than not an ideal picture! But if the ideal is still far away, you can sacrifice something. In some situations, the wife silently takes all the household chores on her shoulders, if the financial situation allows – the family hires a housekeeper. In fact, this is better than constant reproaches, because even a husband – “lazy” as compensation can arrange a beloved wife a relaxing massage or volunteer to be her humble companion during a shopping trip.
It is impossible without mutual trust. This is not surprising, because the presence of trust is assumed even in cooperation or partnership, what to say about love! And the trust should be complete, regardless of whether it is a business meeting or preparing a dinner. Nothing so humiliates as constant control, in particular – petty. Such care leads only to mutual reproaches and mutual irritation. One should find time for each other, it is useful to have small family rituals. It can be gentle morning send-off to work, a joint evening movie viewing, a weekly trip to the mom. The inability to stay in separation for a long time is the best building material of a good family.