What is the meaning of my life?

What is the meaning of life? Many people, many generations, thought about this philosophical question, but no definite answer was found. The fact is that each person has his own position, which mainly depends on the perception of life, values ​​and much more.

There are so many opinions, for someone the meaning of life is fun, for someone a family. My position is this: the purpose of a person’s life is to achieve goals, arrange life, which in the future will help bring something good and useful to the treasury of the world. I will prove my point of view with the help of several arguments.

First, throughout his life, a person sets himself a variety of goals that help develop, settle down in life: finish school, go to college, read a large book or jump with a parachute. All these goals constitute the life of man, and the meaning of it is the fulfillment of dreams, the achievement of the desired. As it seems to me, from any side it turns out. that the meaning of a person’s life for his purposes, he lives for their fulfillment, even if he himself does not notice. For example, for the sake of fulfilling one or another goal, dreams, a person spends his time, and sometimes longer periods of life. Could this not be proof?

Secondly, among the society there are people called altruists. These are the individuals who are willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. It is important for such people to help those who need their help. The meaning of the life of such “heroes” is to bring as much benefit as possible in their lives. This desire is not accompanied by self-interest. Just to do more good, altruists set goals, achieve them. If you equip your life, then others will be able to provide stable assistance. Everything is interconnected.

This question can be considered even on the example of the famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Go to space, it was his dream, which turned into the meaning of life. After problems with the unmanned ship, the launch of the main was decided to be postponed. A. Leonov was not going to retreat, he went to the dream for a long time. Despite the high risk, A. Leonov, together with P. Belyaev, successfully completed the assignment and returned heroes of the Soviet Union. If a person is not afraid to lose a life for the sake of a dream, then it is the meaning of his life.

Thus, my point of view is correct, the meaning of a person’s life in fulfilling dreams, achieving goals that are not only important in life, but also bring good. I would like to add that the meaning of life should be something important.

The meaning of a person’s life lies in the most diverse, that can be in the world. And not always money, wealth or love. For all people – all the goals and ideas are different. Therefore, you can not compare such things. The meaning of life – what does it even mean? This is something unknown, that for everyone its own.

Personally for me, the meaning of life is that we should love, live and simply rejoice in our life, no matter what – poor or seeming unhappy. The meaning of life is for everyone, and I remember it all the time, and that’s why I never impose it on anyone. That’s why I want to always remember that everyone has their own meaning for life. And I do not want to impose my thoughts and opinions on anyone.

The meaning of life – it’s actually not as simple as it seems to find out. Sometimes it seems that, here, love – for me everything, that is – the meaning of my life. But suddenly love disappeared somewhere, or the loved one throws and betrays. And then – time, and there is no meaning of life. But people live, live on and enjoy life, no matter what. That’s why people do not always understand in their lives, why do they live, why do they live? And, nevertheless, they easily talk about what they think about this.

I believe that to really find out what you are living for, and what is most important for you, you can only when you have something taken away, or someone is lost, that is, someone who was important, or something, so that it would be important. Only when they lose, people realize that they have lost a very important factor, a moment, in their life. Losing something, only then, at that moment, you realize that you have lost incredibly important in your life. And, as they say, the life of nm is given one. So do not play, because it’s useless, and this, perhaps, adrenaline at that moment, will not bring future joy. After all, pride and overvaluation do not warm up in old age. So do not make hasty conclusions.

Also, except for the most important, for me it is very necessary that my relatives, people close to me, and also, my friends were always near me. And most importantly – that they were alive. And this, of course, is so. My family is a part of me, and I am a part of them. And I think I can not stand it if anything happens to them. Precisely because of the meaning of my life to some extent. They are also. And I do not want my life’s meaning – work, career growth, or money. No, I just need ordinary human happiness, where there will be joy, but it’s also possible to live without grief.

What is the meaning of my life?