What is the Future?

You see how different the society has become. This is a society where people are independent, while they necessarily interact with others; they are solidary, but at the same time, paradoxically, they compete with each other in order to be better than others..

And not only better for yourself. If you do better, it will be better for those around you.

This is the combination of independence, competitiveness and solidarity – this is the know-how of modernizing modern European societies.

And under all this, under solidarity, lies such an important social phenomenon as trust.

We live in a country where people basically do not trust each other.

Four views on the future

There are 4 types of ideas about the future.

1. The future as a time of deterioration – CORRUPTION (in the sense of “destruction,” “corruption,” “decay,” “decay”). From this point of view, the future does not bear anything good.

What is behind this?

First, the idea that I do not own time. My life does not belong to me; I can not change anything in it, I do not answer for it.

Then – really: everything that can happen to me or with others is only a process of deterioration and deterioration. Starting with the deterioration of me – from year to year – and ending with the deterioration of everything you want.

2. The second plan of the idea of ​​the future: the future is the same as the present. Future as INERTIA.

In the Russian society, about 60-75% of people can not plan their future for a more or less long time beyond the next few weeks: firstly, I’m not sure about my future and the future of my family, and secondly, these are the moods, feelings, attitude to the life of one’s own and other people who feed the assessment of the future either as “spoilage” or as “inertia”.

3. The third plan. Here the future appears as a projection of problems not solved in the past and present. That is, the future has a role: “In the future, if it works out, we will solve problems that are the most acute yesterday and today.” The whole point of the future from this point of view is to solve problems that are not solved in the past or the present, which in the future will become this the very past.


I would single out the fourth plan: OPEN FUTURE. The future as a space of possibilities. The opportunities for unpredictable opportunities that put a person before a choice, respectively, demanding from him responsibility for the fact that he made this choice and, as a rule, solidarity with the one who made this choice.


You can accept it / not accept it, implement it / not implement it, but there is no need for automatic optimism about this openness.

In man one can not kill an effective principle. Man, unlike a stone, from an animal, can not but act.

The question should be asked not “can we do something”, but – “WHAT can we do”



