Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin – a famous Russian satirist. He wrote the comedy “Brigadier” and “Nedorosl”. The comedy “Nedorosl” was written in the era of the autocratic serfdom. Fonvizin in it denounces the system of noble education and education. He creates typical images of landlord-serf owners, narcissistic and ignorant. The writer is worried about the future of Russia.
Comedy teaches me to respect the elders in order not to be like Mitrofanushka, who even disrespectfully treats his own uncle: “What are you, Uncle, full of whitens?” Yes, I do not know what you wanted me to do. “
An elderly nanny, who brought him up, he called “old hrychovka.” With teachers, Mitrofan addresses himself as his mother and serfs: “Well, give us a plank, a garrison rat! Ask what to write.” “Infernity” teaches me respectfully to treat my parents, and not as Mitrofanushka: “Let go, mother, as imposed…” He only pity my mother for being tired, “pricking my father.”
Comedy teaches me to work as much as possible and appreciate the work of others. Mitrofan only “runs to the dovecote.” His mother does nothing, but for a faithful service Eremeevna pays “five slaps a day.”
“Non-God” teaches me how to successfully master knowledge, unlike Mitrofan, who in four years of schooling only “teaches hours and hours.” His knowledge of grammar causes laughter: “The door… This is an adjective, because it is attached to its place.” At the closet… the door is not pinned: so that is for the time being substantive. ” The mathematical “knowledge” of the hero does not hold up to any criticism: “Zero and zero are zero, one and one…” (Thoughtfully) “.
Comedy teaches me to appreciate intelligent, educated people. Prostakova herself despises the clever and is afraid of enlightenment: “Now there are many smart people, I am afraid of them”. And her son is of the same opinion: “I myself, my mother, are not a hunter until clever.” My brother is always better. ” Prostakova believes that geography is not a noble science: “The nobleman only say: take me there, take me, wherever you please.” Although she teaches her son, she negatively treats education: “Without sciences, people live and live.” The deceased priest… did not know how to read, but knew how to make enough money. ” In his son, Prostakov brings up greed: “I found money, did not share everything with anyone.” All ignorant Skotinin is also hostile to science: “I did not read anything from the people… God saved me from this boredom.”
The comedy “Nedorosl” teaches me to appreciate kindness and honesty. I like the statements of Starodum: “… it is much more honest to be guilty without guilt, rather than without merit.” He says that it is necessary to work honestly, without vile servitude, not plundering the fatherland. “Starodum left the yard” without ranks, without a tape, without villages, “but he retained his honor and dignity, he believes that happiness is not in wealth and nobility, but is to “help someone who does not have the right one.”
“Nedorosl” teaches me to love people, so as not to be like Skotinin, who prefers pigs to people and wants to marry Sophia only because pigs live in her villages: “I love pigs, my sister, and we have such large…” Yes, and Mitrofanushka from the childhood has a love for them: “As was three years ago, when he saw a pig, he would tremble with joy.”
The comedy also teaches to restrain one’s emotions so as not to be like Prostakov, whose cruel temper makes the life of the whole house unbearable: “I do not put my hands on anything from morning till night: I fight, I fight, that house keeps.” The fight even brings her pleasure: “Ah, my father, my heart took it, let me finish it!”
“The Minor” teaches us to love our Fatherland and be useful to it, Starodum says in a comedy: “… there are people who are helping, there is a fatherland to serve.” Pravdin believes that worthy people should lead the state: “To ensure that there are no shortages in worthy people, now special efforts are being applied to educate…” Education should be the key to the well-being of the state. Starodum says: “Well, for the fatherland can come out of Mitrofanushka, for which the ignorant parents are also sending money to ignorant teachers?” Moral education of landlords entrusted to serfs: “… and instead of one slave they leave…”
The comedy of D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor” does not come off the stages of the theaters. It is watched with pleasure by the spectators nowadays. She denounces evil and tyranny. Teaches us to work for the good of the Fatherland, and not for our own benefit, to love our neighbor, to appreciate in a person the mind, kindness, honesty. The author stands for the triumph of knowledge and reason. He believes that Russia’s future lies in the hands of honest, enlightened people.
What is taught me by Fonvizin’s comedy “Nedorosl”