Despite the fact that the traditional religion in Ukraine is Christianity, religious life in our country is very diverse. You know that each of the world religions has several currents and is represented by different churches. Thus, in 1054 Christianity was divided into two currents – the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox. Today in Ukraine there are both Catholic and Orthodox communities. In addition, since 1596 the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church begins its history. Since the 16th century another trend of Christianity has begun – Protestantism, which is represented today by many currents. In Ukraine there are different Protestant communities. For example, this fact is evidenced by the fact that 64 Protestant newspapers and a magazine have been registered.
Represented in Ukraine and Islam. Most of all Muslim communities in the Crimea. There are seven Muslim religious educational institutions in our state, five newspapers are published.
There are a lot of believing Jews in Ukraine. Jewish societies contain six institutions of higher education, provide the publication of several dozen newspapers and magazines.
The newest religious trends and trends have spread.
A variety of religious trends are called creeds, or denominations. Believers of a certain community are united in organization – the church. That’s why the religious life is also called confessional, or ecclesiastical. Today in Ukraine there are 30 805 organizations registered in over 100 different religious movements.