“You have committed a disgusting act!”; “This act is worthy of respect and rewards!” – You can often hear such expressions. And what are deeds, what do they mean? What exactly are we used to call actions, and how do they differ, for example, from actions?
Further we will consider these questions in more detail.
What is an act: the difference from action
Under the action is meant the manifestation of energy, the act of activity. The simplest examples of actions: jump, say the word, turn around. These are single actions. Also, the actions can be lengthy, that is, requiring more time for committing, for example: reading, washing, preparing food. Actions can be realized when a person understands what he is doing and unconscious, for example: mechanically draw patterns on paper during a telephone conversation, shiver from cold, blush in certain situations.
Acts are always conscious and completed actions, the realization of the free will of man. Making an act, a person understands exactly what he is doing, perhaps thinking about the consequences of his actions. What an act is, often determines a person’s moral choice, his moral beliefs, the concepts of good and evil in his perception. Examples of good deeds: help a friend write a diploma, transfer a grandmother across the road, cure a sick animal. Examples of bad deeds: deliberately hit another person, deliberately lie in something important.
Of course, such a factor as subjectivity is also important here. So, for example, one person will perceive a perfect act as something good, and from another he will get a negative evaluation.
The act can be expressed in the following forms:
Expressing your opinion in words; the commission of an act or omission; the expression of his position with his eyes, gestures, tonality of speech.
Watch your actions, because they are judged on you by other people.
There is also the concept of “sin”, which characterizes the bad deeds of a person in a religious context. Read more about this in the article What is sin.