What does it mean to be a human being?

And what does it mean? For me, the word “man” is manifested in his actions. After all, a real person must always come to the rescue, those who need it, not thinking about themselves, their lives. And there are a lot of such people in our country.

These are ordinary passers-by who did not lose their heads and saved the drowning man and Heroes who save every day the lives of people, children who fire their brothers and sisters from the fire. I really want such people to have more, so that each person has a responsibility not only for themselves, but also for other people.

Be kinder to each other. And you will be rightfully called “a man with a capital letter!”

A real person is a person ready to sacrifice one’s life for another. This is a person who has a heart and soul. Even if someone makes mistakes in life, a real person will necessarily understand and correct them. Being a man means being ready to help anyone.

Being a man means being kind, sympathetic, helping people. Be calm and not greedy, considerate and honest.

For example, a real person will never pass by a grandmother, who has torn a packet, and food has spilled out of it. Everyone should be ready to come to the aid of even a stranger, because each of us wants that there are always only good people nearby.

To be a man means to do human deeds. Think not only about yourself, but about the world that surrounds you. Even if you are in trouble, do not think that everyone should run to your aid, so do only the selfish. And an egoist is not a person. People, be kind to the world around you, think not only about yourself, help others, and then they will help you, too!

In the concept of “being a man”, everyone puts his own value. It is this that affects actions and actions.

In my understanding, “to be a man” is. first of all, be a person with his own opinion, his own interests, his own meaning of life. Personality becomes in the process of training, education, in the process of communicating with other people. It is not enough for a person to be intelligent and educated, he must be hardworking, honest, compassionate, ready to help. He must respect all living things. A person should love his country and protect it.

Only everyone can decide to be a person to him or be a being like him.

Man is not a position or a profession. To be a man is worthy to exist in this world. Do good to people and never deceive them. Be polite and kind. A real person is a friend who can come to help, free from distress and not envy. A good person will be an example for children. A person should help not only his family, but also take care of other people.

Being a man means being educated, responsible, decent. Each person has his own rules, principles and norms of behavior. But, a real person, knows how to keep his promise, then he is responsible. Being educated means knowing how to behave in society, knowing how to do it, and how you can not do it. That is, be decent. Many consider themselves responsible, educated and decent, but in fact it is not. A person must have knowledge about these qualities, so he must be also clever.

The concept of “man” has a profound meaning. Being a man is not only eating, sleeping, walking, lying. I think that a real person is a good friend who can always come to the rescue.

A real person should be good not only to himself, but also to other people. I really like the statement of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: “You are born a person, but you have to become a Person”. It is not easy to become a real person, because we live in a difficult world where money and care for our well-being make people cruel and indifferent.

I believe. that to be a man is to fight evil, be hardworking, be responsible for everything, be able to love and forgive.

Essay “What does it mean to be a man”

A man belongs to a group of mammals, but unlike animals, he has a conscience, a clever man, kind, sympathetic, respects his ancestors.

Being a person means being sad, happy, learning and working, being kind, sympathetic, tired, and then resting, walking and running, raising and taking care of children, building houses, planting trees to make life better.



