What and for what purpose do they study in the geography course of continents and oceans

1. Which continents and oceans cross the equator, which are the initial meridian, and which are the meridian of 80 °. etc.? Show on the map the continents, which lie only in the Northern Hemisphere, in the South, in the South and North.

To perform the first part of the task, it is enough to look at the world map and find the equatorial, initial meridian and meridian lines 80 °. etc. You will see that the equator line crosses South America to the north of the most full-flowing river of the world – the Amazon, then passes through the Atlantic Ocean and Africa, crossing the Congo river, which is located in the equatorial region. Then the line of the equator passes through the Indian Ocean, crosses the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, which belong to Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.

The initial meridian crosses the British Isles, the western part of Eurasia and the west of North Africa, the Atlantic Ocean and the coldest continent – Antarctica.

Meridian 80 ° W etc. runs in the Western Hemisphere and crosses North America in the Hudson Bay area and the Great Lakes, passes through the Caribbean Sea and Central America in the Panama Canal area, slightly touches the west coast of South America, runs in the east of the Pacific Ocean and crosses Antarctica.

The second part of the task is related to the first and is easily solved when assessing the position of each of the continents with respect to the equatorial line.

2. Determine in kilometers: a) the width of the Atlantic Ocean along the equator; b) the distance between Africa and Australia to 20 ° S. w. .

The sequence of actions for this task is as follows:

1) determination of extreme points of the Atlantic coast of Africa and South America at the equator;

2) determining the geographical longitude of these points;

3) determination of the distance between points in degrees;

4) determination of the distance between points in kilometers.

Work is better done on the contour map of the world.

We put the points A and A1 on the equator line on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and in the Amazon delta.

Determine the longitude of points A and A1. The longitude of point A is about 10 °. etc., and the points A1 -50 ° W. e.

We determine the extent of the Atlantic Ocean in degrees: 50 ° + 10 ° = 60 °.

We calculate the length of the Atlantic Ocean in kilometers: 60 ° X 111.3 km = 6.6778 km.

On the model of the first part of the task, you independently perform the second part – determine the length of the Indian Ocean between Africa and Australia along the parallel 20 ° S. w. Just do not make a mistake in determining the extreme point in eastern Africa: the point should be set not in the east of the island of Madagascar, but in the east of the mainland Africa. On the western coast of Australia, there is no such large island, and it is difficult to make a mistake here.

3. On the map, determine which island the 8 ° s parallel intersect. w. and a meridian of 80 ° c. e.

When performing the task, the main thing is not to confuse the hemisphere. You can easily identify this island on which Ceylon tea is grown.



