The Ukrainian poet Stepan Rudansky was a doctor by profession. Working in Yalta, he treated the poor for free. This was well known in the city, so when the beggar fell ill, he went to Rudansky. It also happened that the poor man had nowhere to live during the treatment. In such situations Rudansky conceded his house, treated, fed and did not expect any payment for it.
The writer Yury Fedkovych, having retired from the officer’s service, plunged into public affairs. He deserved the glory of a people’s lawyer. Once the peasants turned to him, so that he helped defend their right to forests and pastures in court. The evidence Fedkovich cited was so convincing that local officials agreed with him and changed the decision in favor of the peasants.
Yuri Fedkovich gave his house and farm to his servant; the money received from the sale of the father’s house was distributed to the poor.
A special friendship connected the Ukrainian poet Ivan Manzhur and the famous linguist Alexander Potebnyu. When Manzhura was a boy, his wife was guarded by the scientist’s wife, the poet’s aunt. The boy lived then at Potebni and studied at the gymnasium. Later, when the poet was expelled for free-thinking from the Kharkov Veterinary Institute, he left his aunt’s house and began a wandering burlak life. But Potebnya supported the poet throughout his life. He read his works, sent them to magazines, attracted the poet to creativity, helped with money, got the necessary books for work. When life was heavily burned by Manzhure, he turned to Potebne for the last help. At the end of 1886 A. Potebnya showed a desire to give at his own expense the poetry of Manzhura. It was published in 1889 under the title “Steppe Minds and Melodies”