The State Administration of the Byzantine Empire

The supreme power in the Byzantine Empire belonged to the basileus, surrounded by honors and luxury. However, it was not easy to stay on the throne in Byzantium: most emperors lost power as a result of conspiracies and riots. If the conspirators won, they were not tried. During the 1122 years of the empire’s existence, 90 basilevs were replaced in it, that is, the average duration of government was 12-13 years.

Sometimes the emperor summoned the senate, consisting of the highest secular and spiritual dignitaries. There were a thousand members of the synclite, but only the most important were gathered, who lived in the capital.

To fulfill military or civil duties, the emperor appointed a trusted official and appropriated him an honorary title. Each bearer of the title, except for the fee, was granted a certain annual sum of money and ceremonial clothing. Titles are not inherited.

The central administrative apparatus in Byzantium consisted of several departments of the Logofesia, or Secrets. Among them, the most important were the financial department, the postal and external relations department, and the army management department. At the head of each logofessia was a logofet, who in his subordination had many small officials. Secretaries worked tirelessly in the Imperial Chancery. The city administration of Constantinople was headed by a dignitary – the Eparch. The work of dignitaries and officials paid for at the expense of taxes.

Since VII century. The entire territory of the Byzantine Empire was divided into military districts – Tema. Here settled warriors who received plots of land for service. In peacetime, they cultivated the land, and in the event of war they went camping with their weapons and horses. The Femami was ruled by the generals of Stratigi’s feudal troops, later civil power was transferred to the praetors.

The Byzantine state apparatus suffered from many diseases inherent in the bureaucracy, and above all from corruption and bribery.

The State Administration of the Byzantine Empire