The Problem of Conscience

What is conscience is the question that D. Granin worries about.

The author raises in his article the moral problem of conscience. Reflecting on what is an “act of conscience”, DA Granin recalls the funeral of the famous satirical writer M. Zoshchenko, whom the Soviet government persecuted both during his lifetime and at the funeral, where everything was done not in a Christian way, without soul, under the strict eye of the KGB. The author was delighted with the deed of the elderly writer Leonid Borisov, who could not cope with himself, with a feeling that broke out along with his rebellious conscience. He, loudly sobbing, asked the dead Zoshchenko to forgive him for having “not protected” him during his lifetime. With bitterness, the author states that not all people are capable of such an act and encourages us, the readers, to live by conscience.

The author’s position is not difficult to define: conscience is a feature of a person’s spiritual appearance, expressing his ability to internalize his behavior, his feelings, and the behavior of other people, this is an internal judge of a person.

With the opinion of D. Granin it is difficult not to agree. I believe that conscience is our inner judge, who does not allow us to do bad things and makes us think and comprehend our behavior. Listening to it, we will follow the right path, develop, improve morally.

The writer K. Akulinin told about the feeling of an awakened conscience in one of his essays. One day, exhausted in the queue to the doctor, having paid the nurse, he solved his problem, but before coming into the office, he came across the sight of a sick child. The child’s trusting eyes aroused the conscience in the hero’s soul, and he realized that it was not fair to solve his problems at the expense of other people.

The well-known scientist, publicist D. Likhachev wrote in his Letters on the Good and Beautiful, that one must live “intuitively” according to the dictates of conscience “without thinking about finding the right decisions without looking at the books”, that one should not allow oneself to compromise with the conscience, try to find an excuse for lying, stealing. And then you will never be ashamed of your actions.

Thus, I can conclude that conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior towards the surrounding people.



