The definition of time on Earth. Time Zones

Due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, each meridian of our planet has its own time, which does not coincide with the time of other meridians. It is called local, or solar time. Therefore, local time is the time on one meridian at the moment. But to use it is inconvenient, since, moving to the West or East, With each degree of longitude the hands of the clock have to be translated back or forward for 4 minutes.

According to the agreement between the countries of the world, the earth’s surface is conditionally divided into 24 time zones, since the day consists of 24 hours. Consequently, the width of any of the time zones is: 360 °: 24 = 15 ° longitude. The time zones are counted in an easterly direction from the Greenwich meridian, which got its name from the observatory in Greenwich, near the capital of Great Britain – London. . The local time within the time zone is the local time of the central meridian. For convenience, the boundaries of time zones on land often take into account the state borders. If a person moves from his time zone to the belt to the west, the hour hand should be moved back an hour, if east – an hour ahead.

Since the first round-the-world expedition of F. Magellan, when after returning from the journey the sailors noticed a discrepancy in time in one day, there was a need to establish a line for changing the dates. According to the international agreement, the line of change of dates almost coincides with the meridian of 180 °. It passes mainly along the water of the Pacific Ocean. On both sides of it, the standard time is the same, and the dates are different. If you cross this conditional line, moving from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western, it is necessary to take 1 day from the date, that is, one day will be repeated twice. When crossing the line, the changes in dates in the opposite direction are lost 1 day. Therefore, it is from the line of change of dates in the direction from east to west that a new day begins counting.



