The composition of the picture Laktionova “Letter from the front”

Laktionov Alexander Ivanovich – Soviet artist, whose paintings are very realistic and depict the life of ordinary people. Of all his paintings, the canvas “Letter from the Front” written to me in 1947, that is, just a couple of years after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, when the memory of these events was still so fresh, is dearer to me.

Now almost no more participants in those fighting, but looking at this picture, I again remember those who fought for us to live in peace time under a peaceful sky. This picture depicts neighbors who live in the same house – a woman with a red armband on her arm, a grandmother holding glasses and an envelope, a war veteran who left the front because of a wound and a little boy who reads a letter written probably, his father. And all those who gathered in the sunlit porch, carefully listen to the news from the front, which the boy reads to them.

On the faces of all those present, you can see the smiles and pleasure of what they hear, which means that the letter contains the best news – Dad is alive and well and can soon come to their home, bringing together the Victory with his native land. The hearts of all who gathered on the porch are full of pride for the author of the letter and sincere gratitude to him, and mentally each of them pray for him and for the victory of all who serve beside him. And while their relatives and friends have not returned from the front, they try to always be together, one big and united family, helping each other stand in this difficult time.

It seems to me that the artist specially painted a picture in bright, bright and joyful tones, skillfully transferring the play of light and shadow. So he wanted to show that very soon the war would go away and take with him all the horrors, giving people the opportunity to live in a free, peaceful country, rejoicing in the sun and light.

The composition of the picture Laktionova “Letter from the front”